Chinese Purple Garlic Bulbs - Organic Seed Garlic | Dynamic Comparison Chart; Sort By: Go. Simoneti Red Janice Sweet, caramel-like, nutty, no heat upfront, fleeting, piquant. What are the differences among garlic varieties? We've lost an incredible amount of seed diversity over the last 100 years. 21 Varieties Planted in 2016 (including our Braiding Garlic Medley) for our July 2017 Harvest. Artichoke Garlics. Turban Garlic Cultivars. Asiatic Garlic Cultivars. They have very large cloves and fewer cloves — … Terms of Service. Early Red Italian Killarney Red Ajo Rojo Germinador Burgundy Creole Red Cuban Purple Rose de Lautrec . Siciliano We tasted eight garlic varieties, softneck and hardneck, raw and cooked, and found a wide range of flavors. Slovenian The caviar of garlic varieties. Here’s a list of all (at least 90% of them) of the garlic cultivars available today. Within the universe of “hardneck garlic” there are a number of subgroups including Porcelain, Rocambole, Purple Stripe, Marbled Purple Stripe, Glazed Purple Stripe, Asiatic, Turban and Creole. Marino The plants of this variety have broader leaves than others but are not very tall. More. We enjoyed several softneck and hardneck varieties, but our favorites were Porcelain Zemo and Rocambole Carpathian, both of which are hardnecks. Garlic flavor: Rich, garlicky, strong, robust and pungent with easy to peel jumbo cloves which are easy to use in the kitchen. Bogatyr Garlic can be divided into 3 types. Germinador Filters. Xian, Idaho Silver Good Buy 2020 Sale: Save 15% on our Top Rated Espresso Machine. California Early Find out which type can be braided, which gives the largest cloves, and lots more. The more varieties we grow, the more diverse and resilient our crops will become. Leah 99 Burgundy Aglio Blanco. All rights reserved. Softneck garlic is the type you'll most likely see in the produce section of your grocery store. SOFTNECK GARLIC. Russian Red Ail de Pays Parne. Silver Rose A guide to the different types of garlic Hardneck garlic. Nootka Rose We sell our certified organic garlic seed across the USA. Romanian Red Thankyou, Your email address will not be published. The cloves are easy to peel and this variety can produce an excellent garlic powder. Considered the caviar of garlics, a pound of seed will produce up to 50 plants. Japanese Creole, Asiatic, and; Turban. Polish Softneck Brown Tempest California Early. Most grocery store garlic is softneck garlic. Shandong They’re broken down first into Hardneck and Softneck. Garlic grown from bulbils can take up to three years to mature if the initial garlic seed was quite small. Rosewood We encourage people to save and exchange their seeds with one another. The hard stem will develop a flower (or scape). Asian Tempest Japanese Killarney Red Korean Red Sonoran Thermadrone. Hardneck garlic has a relatively sparse parchment wrapper that makes it easier to peel (and damage) than softneck. Stull Organic garlic is a reliable way of avoiding the bleaching that may be done to make the the bulbs look perfectly white. China Dawn Chinese Purple Maiskij Red Janice Shandong Shilla Tzan Xian . sativum. They also contain the highest... Rocambole. Korean Red Hot, Paw Paw What are the differences among garlic varieties? A separate article will cover softneck garlic for Southern climates. Beekeepers’ Sicilian. Rocambole is tan or brownish, with as many as 12 cloves per bulb. All garlics are Alliums, the species sativum, and originated in central Asia.Garlics fall into two broad categories, the hardnecks which usually grow a woody, hard neck or scape in the stem center are var. Required fields are marked *. The results showed significant difference in the studied attributes of the garlic varieties. © 2020 America's Test Kitchen. This is a way of rapidly increasing your garlic … The garlic varieties listed below are arranged first by ‘garlic subtype’ and then alphabetically within each subtype (i.e., ‘Artichoke’ is the subtype and Applegate is the variety name). Softneck garlic contains a circle of plump cloves shrouding a second circle of smaller cloves, all enveloped by many papery layers. Our goal is to regain some of that diversity. Bavarian Hot and raw, light bitter finish, lots of high and low notes, complex, astringent. 3 Types of Garlic: Softneck, Hardneck, or Elephant. Some varieties can be mild, others, such as the chesnok, are high in … Large bulbs comprised of 12 to 20 cloves, with the largest ones on the outside of the bulbs. Its thinly wrapped cloves lose moisture quickly, however, and do not winter over, as do the cloves of the robust softneck. Garlic (Allium sativam) has two sub-species softnecks and hardnecks. Lorz Italian Hardneck garlic varieties to grow include: Softneck garlic (Allium sativum sativum) is the type of garlic that is typically sold in grocery stores.It has a soft and braid-able stem. Burque. It's worth having a look around at different types of garlic - you can get very different effects with different types, in different seasons. Privacy Policy. Creole Red Then there are 3 “weakly bolting hardnecks”:. Siberian, Amish Rocambole S&H Silverskin Sonoran Originally thought to be a variety of softneck garlic, Creole garlic turns out to be in a … Big bite, raw-tasting, hot and pungent, sour and bitter. There is great diversity in the three varieties of weak bolting hardnecks and there are two varieties of softneck garlics. Maiskij The garlic that most of us cook with is softneck, so called because its neck is soft and braidable. From there they are broken down into the 10 varieties. Its name comes from the multilayered parchment that covers the entire bulb, continues up the neck of the bulb, and forms a soft, pliable stalk suitable for braiding. Ukraine, Polish Jenn Most Rocambole garlic, including German Red, will rot or do poorly in poor draining soil. Silverwhite, Applegate This is the most common hardneck variety to grow. We grow tens of thousands of gorgeous organic seed-stock bulbs of both garlic and shallots of many different varieties, all well-adapted to our short seasons. Elephant garlic is actually a member of the onion family but is a variant of the leek. They are sought after by chef's because of their exceptional flavor and large easy to peel cloves. How big the bulbils are will depend on the garlic variety, and they range in size from large peas down to the size of a grain of rice.The largest specimens can produce harvestable garlic in as little as two years, while the tiny ones will need a full three years to mature. ophioscorodon.The softnecks which usually don’t grow a scape, are var. Because softneck garlic is heat tolerant and produces and stores well, it has become the favored commercial garlic. turban. rocambole. We offer over 40 varieties of hardneck and softneck garlic seed and food garlic to gardeners, farmers, CSA's and anyone wanting to grow or sell garlic. Hardneck garlic ( Allium sativum ophioscorodon) are characterized by woody central stalks and a green... Softneck garlic. It has very large bulbs with very few cloves, three or four, and has a sweet, mellow onion/garlic flavor and a similar mien, hence the confusion. California Late. They are favored by chefs for having exceptional flavor and large easy to peel cloves. Fishy and rancid, not sweet enough, dull and flat. The garlic that most of us cook with is softneck, so called because its neck is soft and braidable. Garlic that tolerates poor or clay soil includes Siberian, Georgian Crystal, Parvin, Bogatyr and Phillips. Often sold as ‘Venetian White’, this softneck variety has a strong taste. Italian Late Garlic falls into two primary categories: hardneck and softneck. Hardneck Varieties Porcelain. Your email address will not be published. Courtesy of Fruition Seeds. "Yummy," mild, fragrant, perfumed, upfront flavor dissolves fast, no lingering flavor. Largest bulbs and plants in the garlic field; An Italian variety brought back to Canada by Al Music in the 1980’s from his home land. Idaho Silver Mild French Nootka … Supermarket garlics are almost invariably softneck. Rocambole garlic has a full-bodied, savory flavor which makes it a popular choice for cooks of all skills with professionals calling on it frequently. A heavy cropping, softneck variety from south west France. Hardneck garlic typically has a shorter shelf life than softneck garlic. Polish White Learn real cooking skills from your favorite food experts, The iconic magazine that investigates how and why recipes work, American classics, everyday favorites, and the stories behind them, Experts teach 200+ online courses for home cooks at every skill level, Kid tested, kid approved: Welcome to Americaâs Test Kitchen for the next generation. © 2020 Handlebar Enterprises, LLC. German White Turban: Turban garlic is very similar to Asiatic and it is also one of the earliest harvesting garlics. Spanish or red garlic Gorgeous purple colour, almost fig-like and often very large. Transylvanian, I want to buy Creole and Asiatic garlic in August for my personal garden in Florida. Susanville Nice medium bite, slow low heat, lingering flavor. Garlic Bulbils If left on the plant to mature the topset or scape of a hardneck garlic will produce a number of bulbils which can be planted. Lifeless, spineless, "old gym socks," "garlic muzak.". Cuban Purple Music Garlic falls into two primary categories: hardneck and softneck. Shilla Hardneck, which is the original cultivated garlic variety, is distinguished by its stiff center staff, around which large uniform cloves hang. If you have any questions, or additions to the list, let me know in the comments below! Hardnecks: The hardneck refers to the scape that later produces a flower. Middle Eastern. You’ll find them at Artichoke Subspecies: Thermadrone, China Dawn Zemo, Ajo Rojo Weakly bolting hardneck garlic are varieties that can produce a scape under harsher conditions, such as intense heat or drought, but otherwise can grow like a softneck.. Hardneck garlic tends to grow well in colder climates, such as Canadian, Central European, and Eastern European climates. Gourmet Red German Red Mild in flavor, these bulbs contain a lot of cloves, ranging from large to tiny. Rose de Lautrec, Asian Tempest These all fall into three main types of hardneck garlic: purple stripe, rocambole, and porcelain. Strong yet balanced, spicy bite, mild, mellow, nice. porcelain. The first step in our mission is to help organic growers sell organic seed. Eight garlic varieties to grow ‘Albigensian Wight’. It’s fall, and that means it’s garlic planting time. Fragrant, floral, deep round garlic flavor, peppery but sweet, quite a sting. The more we exchange seeds, the more varieties we will all grow. Johnny’s offers certified-organic seed garlic (bulbs) in hardy, vigorous stiffneck and softneck varieties. Purple Italian Varieties of Garlic Softneck Garlic. German Giant Tzan The clove skins are much looser than those of other... Purple Stripe. Get FREE ACCESS to every recipe and rating from this season of our TV show. Polish Hardneck 1 - 6 of 6 Done. Georgian Crystal An heirloom variety from the Black Sea region of Russia, this garlic’s bulbs and cloves are large and the flavor is a bit less spicy than other varieties. The maximum stem diameter (13.5 mm) was noted by the variety NARC-1 followed by variety Swat White and Garlic-1 (8.9 mm, 8.5 mm) respectively while the minimum stem … Inchelium Red Very mellow, full garlic flavor, anchovy flavored, spicy. All Garlic Varieties and Cultivars listed. Sweet top note, turns into a pleasing bite, garlic flavor without heat, lingering, complex, no bitterness on finish, very nice. There are basically two different types of garlic, although some folks lump elephant garlic as a third. Italian Purple When to Plant Garlic & Shallots. Pskem Phillips is the one Rocambole garlic we have found so far that can handle heavy or poor soil. Grid View List View. Our seed is 100% certified organic. Creole Garlic Cultivars. But the scapes can be used in cooking, much the way that green onions are used, and many people find the mature cloves of hardneck garlic to be more flavorful than softneck garlic. Burns roof of mouth but has good flavor, starts mild, turns hot, long biting, bitter aftertaste. German Extra Hardy Caretaker Creole. Georgian Fire Korean Red Metechi Softneck varieties store the longest and are best suited to temperate climates. Italian Easy Peel We grow only hardneck garlic. Red Toch Porcelain garlics have the largest bulbs of all the “true garlic” plants. Garlic Seed & Culinary/Table Garlic – The only difference between seed and culinary/table garlic is that the larger bulbs are used Rogue River Red It has large bulbs and is a heavy... ‘Bianco Veneto’. Softneck garlic contains a circle of plump cloves shrouding a second circle of smaller cloves, all enveloped by many papery layers. Large, vigorous plants grow best in mild winter areas. Jumbo, 10lbs, (60 bulbs, 300 cloves) Culinary, 1lb, (10 bulbs, 50 cloves) Culinary, 5lbs, (50 bulbs, 250 cloves) Culinary, 10lbs, (100 bulbs, 500 cloves) The bulb and clove amounts are ESTIMATES to help you determine how much garlic there is by weight for help with planting and spacing. It’s grown commercially because it can be planted mechanically, and doesn’t require effort midseason to trim off the garlic scapes. Mild French Softneck Garlic Varieties Silverskin Garlic Cultivars. Stinging red-hot-candy heat, strongly spicy, vegetal and green, tannic and metallic. It does well in cold... ‘Chesnok White’. Feel free to email us at and we'll help you as best we can! Garlic ships in October for fall planting. Creole Garlic. It’s best to err on the side of planting late, rather than too early. Rough, "heartburn city" according to one taster, "garlic by Hasbro" according to another, sharp and metallic. Leningrad Softneck Garlic Varieties. Northern White Applegate. Spanish Roja Hardneck garlic plants are varieties that have long flowering stems, called "scapes," which need to be cut off the plant to preserve the development of the bulbs. Choose the best type of garlic to grow, and learn about the different types of garlic. Popular Asiatic garlic varieties include Pyong Vang, Asian Tempest, Sonoran, Korean Red, Russian Red, and Asian Rose. It is considered superior in flavorâmore complex and intense than softneck. Chamiskuri. Porcelain is satiny white (hence the name) and about four cloves per bulb. Recipe and rating from theis season of our TV show garlic Medley ) for our July 2017.. Step in our mission is to help organic growers compare garlic varieties organic seed across USA. Red, will rot or do poorly in poor draining soil second circle of cloves! Garlic we have found so far that can handle heavy or poor soil bitter finish lots... Or elephant far that can handle heavy or poor soil Red, will rot or do poorly in draining. 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