Thanks for sharing your interesting sighting! I love your videos. Those ladies were not eating berries from the same species from which those expensive pink peppercorns are made. That seed is covered by a “hard endocarp” like the stone of the cherry. TIME OF YEAR: In Florida flowers summer to fall, fruits summer to fall, fruits in fall in northern climes. (So raspberries are not drupes.) Now that you know about the poisonous white sumac, also avoid when looking for sumac the Brazilian Pepper which to the unfamiliar eye can look similar in growth pattern to the regular sumac. Sumac Jello: Mix the prepared juice with unflavored gelatin per instruction on package. In fact, the recent studies done on the Staghorn and Sicilian varieties show that sumac has exceptionally high antioxidant properties, so sumac … The mouthfeel was unpleasant due to the thin, but hard shells surrounding the seed, and the seeds must have tannin in them to make them very bitter. Sumac – A Spice with Health Benefits. In summertime the flowers and fruit are seething with tiny life forms. Sumac Jelly: Take prepared juice and use the Sure-Jell recipe for elderberry jelly, 3 cups juice to 4.5 cups of sugar. I was told you can’t eat the little seed, just the pulp around it. An infusion of the leaves is used for asthma, diarrhea and stomatosis. Not only do the dried and ground berries of the edible Rhus species add wonderful lemony flavor to meat and vegetable dishes, research suggests that food-grade sumac may also be good for you. Rhus glabra and over 1000 other quality seeds for sale. Each drupe contains one seed but the entire red “spear-point” of drupes has up to 700 seeds. Native Americans were aware that red sumac berries were edible — analyses of remains of human feces contained sumac seeds dated to 1,200 C.E. I found some on a hike in Kansas amongst many staghorn sumac. I will also be using this to make candy for Christmas; both gummy and hard candy. A further check said a drupe has only one seed. It is 43 rd on the Best Browse List. In your experience, is it possible that the seedlings of staghorn sumac may not show hairs nor serrated leaves while under 4 feet? I pick staghorn clusters in fields around where I live. Za’atar, a mixture of herbs, seeds and sumac used in Middle Eastern cuisine. Dick credits that recipe to his wife, long involved with the Girl Scouts as Dick was with the Boy Scouts. It helped a lot with this experiment. I seemed to remember another common edible fruit is technically a drupe. Peaches, plums and cherries are drupes. Are they maybe not quite ripe? The poisonous sumac has roundish leaves, pointy on the end, has white fruit that grows out from where a leaf meets the stem, and grows only in very wet places. And all the contributory comments. Hope that help. Yep. (Then again, it was a long time ago and I could just be misremembering!) i really wanted to share your site with my best friend, and others on my f.b. The common trait that the edible sumac plants have that distinguishes them from poison sumac is this-edible sumac has reddish, brownish, or purplish berries which are edible. It was very expensive back home and considered a delicacy. Since the rain washes off that very taste we are seeking, I now read it may be poisoness. ). Foraging should never begin without the guidance and approval of a local plant specialist. Furry creatures including White-tailed Deer have been known to eat the fruit as well as the stems and bark. In our neighborhood (La Crosse Wisconsin) we have both staghorn and smooth sumacs, (R. typhina and R. glabra) wild and introduced into landscaping. 150 Oakcliff Lane Thank you for years of enlightenment into the world of Green. Now I’m going to have to remember to pick a few sumac fruit the next time I’m out so I can “dissect” them at home and see if they really have three layers. I want to make it into a Spice rub and don’t know how to seperate the pulp from the seed. You see, the tree has only this year produced flower/seed heads; and appears to be an extension from the neighbouring property’s tree plant. We had a cluster of the mystery trees growing in back of our house and I called them our “CT palms” because of their superficial resemblance. Sorry for the late reply: I'm glad you were able to enjoy seeing another of our native creatures. as always-excellent article! Not even one little bit. Edible Parts. The drupes look like part of the Rhus species, but I don’t see any with thorns, or the rounded (ovate, pinnately compound leaves) . Having read a bit about this plant, I have to make one exception: On the [banned site] page (and yes, I know you can’t necessarily trust everything there), it says Sumac is not necessarily the best source of food for birds and is the last plant they will seek. ENVIRONMENT: Sunny to shady dry areas, often found on banks. That question comes up now and then and as far as I know the answer is no. First year shoots off old stumps are the best, but the spring-time tips of old branches are also edible but not as good. What Is This Orange and Black and White Spiky Caterpillar On the Milkweed? They are quite dry (most of the plants’ leaves have fallen), have a bit of red color left. We now live in FL but used to vacation here, and I always LOVED the palm trees. Is that right or did I get the wrong plant? Needless to say Im pleased enough to let the clonal roots spread around to make more a bit farther away from the house. It has a tendency of transplanting quickly and through its underground roots. I learned from that book that the sumac berries are good to make a tea that gets rid of sore throats. The Cherokee Indians called the juice Quallah. Native Americans were aware that red sumac berries were edible—analyses of remains of human feces contained sumac seeds dated to 1,200 CE at Antelope House in Canyon de Chelly and from at least 2,000 years ago at Puebloan sites across the Four Corners area. Planting wild fruits like the staghorn sumac give you more than the tasty fruuit etc.They look beautiful and once established are easy to grow.I’m glad that the guy who unknowingly cut down his blueberry and elderberry plants is getting a second chance and that he like me appreciates wild grapes.These things are not hard to grow and very few shrubs are as pretty as blueberries.Year round they look great.More of our native plants should be used in edible landscapes. Call us at 1 315 4971058. Seed fragments were visible with a binocular/ stereomicroscope. My berries all retained a nice pink color by drying slowly in an oven set around 150 degrees. then I mixed jaquinns ginger flaver brandy and it tasted just like a blueberry pie. First time on a very cold winter day a flock of grackles attacked an arrangement I had outside for winter with sumac,was very surprised. Because I see elsewhere “Staghorn Sumac” associated to the latin name “Rhus Typhina” and to the images on this page : fruits arranged in bright red and dense conical clusters. Is the ideal time to pick them when the leaves are still green? Are they still ok to use for sumac lemonade? I like to boil the berries lightly and drink that as a tea. Su. Are you familiar with any uses for the sumac leaves? Externally cleaned seeds, when ground, add a lemon-like flavor to salads or meat and is used often in Levant cuisine. One of its uses was to numb the mouth for tooth extraction. Marion, if you’re still interested in finding whole sumac seeds, you might try It is not, for sure, Ailanthus altissima (tree of heaven) as it does not have the gland on the leaves nor the foul odor characteristic of this species. I had the best shape I ever had in my life and we were healthy. Sumacs include about 35 flowering woody North American species in the Rhus genus within the Anacardiaceae family, which also includes cashews, mangos, and pistachios. Many people are allergic to mango and or the peeling. Thank you yet again for an excellent article. These drupes are not uniformly that color but usually just half the drupe. I pick it in the fall when the leaves first turn red and hang clusters of the compound leaves upside-down until dry. Flowers bloom in June and July they are in dense panicles of greenish-red small five petaled flowers. as ascorbic acid, as Mike points out. When we were kids in CT, we were under the mistaken impression that this was “poison sumac” and tried to avoid it in the lots and woods that surrounded us. Sorry for the belated reply. But here I feel puzzled. The deseeded drupes are ground up into a spice. As long as the seeds are tart they can be used. Berries are fleshy and often juicy and typically have many seeds. I researched it some more on the internet, and found mentions the berries being pounded and fermented into a sort of mead, but have been unable to find any specifics on the matter. added sugar and it made a tart drink similar to cranberries. Fencing should be fine. I can’t see it well enough to even guess. They also grow in the winter time. gets around. Green Deane- I love your website & videos! You’ll find them across all of the United States and Canada except for the far north. Ha I finally found it by accident, it’s called “tree of heaven”! Hi there, I am an Arborist of 25 Years and living in New Zealand. They’re good in a pipe or rolled into cigarettes. I cross checked with many a book and web-sites and I came up with nothing that looks exactly the same. I’ve been enjoying the sumac lemonade for a few years and I always wondered if it was possible to make jelly from it. The Indians used the shoots of the Rhus glabra in “salads” though many ethonobotanists say the natives never really made “salads” as we know the term. If you see pith, which is an off-white core, it is too old. I do have pictures of the above but will wait to see if you are still using this site. Poison sumac's berries are white. The ripe fruit can be used in baking but the tiny black seeds are very hard and can be problematic for the teeth if chewed on. I ran into a couple of French Canadian women who were picking the Brazilian Pepper. Speaking of experimenting, my 7th grade science classes experimented with “how to produce consistently good-tasting sumac lemonade.” We worked with Staghorn, Smooth, and Winged Sumacs. And the bright red seed clusters of Sumac cheer up gloomy roadsides. Just throw the clusters in the blender for a few seconds, that will separate the seeds from the stem and the pulp from the seeds. My personal suggestion is leave the drupes for the birds. A common use seems to be to brew tea from the ripe red fruit. Smooth Sumac and Winged Sumac drupes are hairless when examined under a stereomicroscope. Traditionally the Iroquois and other southern Ontario tribesmen would smoke this mixed with tobacco or just plain without tobacco. In the northeast the staghorn sumac (Rhus typhina, synonym: Rhus hirta) predominates. Connie, when I lived in Ann Arbor, MI, I was able to buy zaatar at Detroit’s Eastern Market. I bolded that and will repeat that point to make it clear- red sumac is edible, white sumac is poison. Keokuk, IA 52632 Yes, but… this does not explain the shift from referring to the acid on the drupes first as malic acid and then. Edible sumac has red fruit borne in terminal clusters. I have fresh sumac and live in Oklahoma I would be glad to send you..You pay shipping and a little for the spice say $10.00 for 1/2 pound.? Is it safe to eat the seeds on the clusters of stag horn sumac? Bring them inside for awhile to prevent mold?? I have instructions on a pdf that I can email you if you will send me your email. Ah, one of our venerated foraging instructors…. Not aware of use in tea. They estimate 300 species of songbirds eat it too! We have had Giant Swallowtails laying eggs on our gas plant (Dictamnus albus) for the past 3 years (in Pickering,…. The flowers have a lovely, heady scent. Thirdly, it has white, waxy berries. Cashews have a poisonous shell. I’m not convinced! Is therea good way to do this to keep the color? With apologies, I don’t understand the question. Anacardiaceae (the Cashew or Sumac family) Rhus (the Cashew or Sumac genus). Then strip off the leaves and peel the shoot. The providers of this website accept no liability for the use or misuse of information contained in this website. Photo by Green Deane. Smokable in traditional tobacco mixes. I can remember them growing all over southern Maine and to this day can still go to a stand of them where we used to play. After totally drying I ran the drupes through a blender to knock the skin off the seed. (319) 524-4576. I hope you can help me, I was wondering how do you remove the pulp from the seeds? I would like to grind them into a spice without the seeds. Often they will also be allergic to other plants in the family as well as sumac or the sap of the sumac. Victoria Hall from Bardstown, Ky. Is that true or do you grind the whole Sphere and use it? The technical name for that type of fruit is a drupe. On our southwestern Virginia mountain top, a large bush of Staghorn Sumac grows right outside our house. Smooth Sumac, Rhus Glabra. Sumac species leaves do vary. I happened across Sumac starting on page 280 in the Peterson Field Guide Eastern/Central Medicinal Plants and Herbs. And “Rhus Copallina” seems associated to the names “Shining Sumac” / “Winged Sumac” and with images of shiny leaves very different from “Rhus Typhina” leaves. Using a large mouth jar containing warm water, The Middle Eastern spice that I bought in Detroit’s Eastern Market was ground sumac drupes; the seeds were not removed, they were simply pulverized. That has not been my experience. I first … Slainte! The Brazilian pepper is on the cusp of toxic/non-toxic. another buddy say it is safe to eat and make pies and the back of my mind, i recalled you said white one are the bad ones.. i told him don’t eat any till we are all squared away…if ya tell me how to share your site, i will..can’t wait to dive deeper in the archives…i am a throwback from years gone by, i understand the so called food we buy at store is not as healthy as what we gather in the bush..the smarter us humans get on computers, the dumber we get in the woods or even our own backyards..keep up yer great endeavors. Usually the entire fruit is ground up. Alright, just needed to know. I have just been made aware of using sumac for lemonade and am so excited! It is such an effective food source that when we perform some reconstruction near our home, I hope to dig it up and re-plant the bush so I can continue to enjoy watching the birds all winter long. As I prowl around I notice that the Staghorn Sumac provides more than just a spirit-lift: it provides food for winter birds. It is found growing in thickets and waste ground, open fields and roadsides, and tends to be invasiveSumac is a shrub or small tree from 6 to 15 feet high, with large pinnate leaves, each leaflet is lanceolate, serrate and green on top whitish beneath. Wish me luck! Last fall my friends and I gathered POUNDS of heads and thus “cleaned” drupe from stems. Cyndi B., Ozark, AR. They said they ate it. Now I know we’re supposed to eat lower on the food chain and so on, but seriously, a cup of spider-dropping tea? Was that you, Dean? I’d be very interested as sumac is plentiful here right now. She would boil the seeds in water, then strain it and pour the liquid over the dolma which is small eggplant and grape leaves stuffed with ground lamb and rice, parsley and spices. Now thanks to your site and the great comments herein, I will treat my sumac tree with greater respect and affection -for the blessings that it brings me. The two species that I’ve observed most commonly around the Ohio River Valley are R. typhina (staghorn sumac) and R. copallina (winged or shining sumac), but once you develop an eye for this genus they’re all very easy to spot.Many bear very close resemblance to the staghorn. The fruit has a citrusy yet sour flavour that is best enjoyed as a … There is so much info about the sumac berries but I want to know about the flowers. I hope someone can help me with a plant ID, though I doubt it is at all edible it is ridiculously common. As for the spice, a more proper way is to use just the outside flesh of the drupe to make the spice, not the seed as well. Sure do miss him…. Seeds: You can start a Sumac from seed… In my many years of foraging I have seen it in two places. There were no sumac drupes, or seeds available on that site. We just put…, There are a few types of euonymus that grow in different parts of the country, so I can't tell you…, Many Mockingbirds over-winter, so you may see them again if they have just moved around after raising their chicks. Sumac Rubber Candy: Take on cup of sweetened juice, add two envelopes of gelatin, mix. Since I collected the tops and made lemonade, and already have tons of crushed seeds for a spice, o thought perhaps the young greens maybe 2-3 inches tall might be edible? Cardinals too. Cooking with Sumac. He was in college on the VA plan, there were NO jobs where we lived and we had no income all summer. Sorry for the late reply. Kat. As the winter settles in, the colours in the landscape get muted and any vibrant hues are especially welcome. It is smooth and seems to be without ill effect when taken in moderation once in a while. I don’t need the seed, so I propose…. yes, it’s in the article. Comments or questions about this site, or for permission to use photos and information. I seemed to remember another common edible fruit is technically a drupe. Putting the berries in boiling will release the tannic acid. Kati, smooth sumac makes an excellent sumac lemonade. That might be an exaggeration but it likes to be in wet spots. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. My mother would buy it in an armenian grocery store, bring it home and make a dish we call “dolma”. The staghorn or smooth sumacs are such common plants that it would be very easy for you to collect more seed than you would be able to use in a year. Love your newsletters they inform and keep me focused! You know the berries are ripe with they give a tart taste., I live in Washington state. The seeds have an oil that can be made into candle wax. All edible sumacs have red, rough-textured ones. Proceed accordingly. Link to picture: [img][/img]. Thank you! Staghorn sumac, winged sumac, and smooth sumac are the most common sumac … Pretty good info and photos on sumac. Appreciated……I always look forward to your e-mails! You should avoid it though because it is like poison ivy on steroids. (CT) Tenacious and very fast growing, with a leaf structure very similar to sumac, except, if I remember correctly, it had winged seeds similar to maples, nothing like the heads common to sumacs. Note: In some areas of central Arizona another edible species, … I have a few seedlings growing in our garden and they have all the characteristics of staghorn sumac (leaves a bit droopy, reddish stems, the general shape of leaves, etc. I realized when I began to write this article that I don’t really know what the fruit of the Staghorn Sumac shrub is called. There is another edible part to the sumac: Young shoots, peeled. This is a well regarded ornamental, and there are different cultivars of it available at nurseries. In about 15 minutes you can pick more then you will possible use. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Disclaimer: Information contained on this website is strictly and categorically intended as a reference to be used in conjunction with experts in your area. Evening Grosbeaks and Ruffed Grouse will eat the fruit. Ground, dried sumac berries … The image is less than 1/2 and inch by an inch. So we thought it was a nuisance but pretty. There is a very simple way to make a non-bitter rub: pick the drupes off the fruit head, and rub them against the wire mesh of a kitchen strainer into a bowl below. A poultice of the leaves used to treat skin rashes. Word document. It makes a wonderful spice rub. To make an ade, use one to two cup of berries per quart of water. I am armenian and a senior citizen. Note the different shaped leaves of the poison sumac and the bright red stems. Last year after signing up for your newsletter I collected and made sumac lemonade. I have been harvesting native sumac in the southeast for a few years, I noticed this year that some of the drupes looked grey. Sumac, poison ivy, Brazilian pepper, cashews, mangoes and pistachios are all related. I live in Havertown, PA (just outside of Philadelphia. ) I’ve got dozens of bush trees across the street and they make me hungry XD. This was my third batch of found-ingredient jam this year, and they’ve all been a success. So, to get that straight: The edible sumacs have red berries in cone-shaped clusters at the end of main branches. Noticed in your video (#43) on sumac that you mentioned malic acid as what makes sumac sour, and then later on in your narrative, switched to ascorbic acid. I will get my resource page with you and others up soon. This does an excellent job and then it’s ready to use in ade or as a spice. Tried eating the shoots and they taste spicy…you said perfumy and I get that but I’d say it’s so strong it’s spicy! Your email address will not be published. Thank you for the info! Are you a believer in a refreshing cup of sumac tea? How to Grow Sumac From Seed. Do you know when leaves are at their best for asthma, green, yellow, orange, red or maroon? Hi Deane, I was lucky to attend one of your Orlando foraging days a year or so ago. Well…. they are used to make an ade or dried and ground to make a spice. The sumac color is so beautiful, Iwould like to dry some. But there are couple of safety issues to consider. What I read and saw in the video mentions “hairs” which, of course, “smooth” sumac doesn’t have. Today, I turned to you for info on the Winged Sumac, I do hope both your moths and butterflies were able to flourish! Everyone should be aware that railroad tracks are some of the most polluted places in America, so you probably don’t want to eat anything growing along railroad tracks. I have been soaking my sumac berries in water over night and drinking the water (no filtering) in the morning. Wow.. The berries look a lot like those on staghorn and but is a much lower bush with compound, green leaves with 3 leaflets. I’m in Toledo OH, and both types of sumac grow are found in abundance nearly everywhere you look. Found a huge grove of these smooth sumac here in Oklahoma close to where I work alongside a railroad track. Stewed aphids? My mother has passed on, however, I still make this dish. I picked some this fall from the Staghorn Sumac that are so plentiful here. I have been using it now for forty-two years and it works fast. Outside pulp and seed inside. The hard part is covered by a mesocarp that is often softer, like the fruit part we eat of a peach. I know of no other uses for the leaves, but will vouch for their suitableness for an occasional smoke. I’ve harvested and want to dehydrate and grind for spice . At first, I thought it was mold, but I looked with a 10x loupe and I don’t see any mold. 10/10/2020. Staghorn sumac has very fuzzy stems, hence the name staghorn. good they were to eat, also remove wild elderberries from my wooded What it going on? Sumac: The Edible Wild Plant You (Wrongly) Thought Was Always Poisonous. Hope…, Cedar Waxwings Strip the Forest Bare of Fruit in Late Fall, What Southern Ontario Shrub Has Orange Berry Fruit with Pink Petals. Poison sumac berries are off white. These acidic and tart berries can be eaten raw or dried, though they’re most popularly used in the form of a berry tea or … Fragrant Sumac, Rhus … I picked some stag horn sumac berries boiled it with some elderberries, wild black cherries, and a few mint leaves. As for other uses of the sumac some landscapers remove all but the top branches to create a “crown” effect making it resemble a small palm tree. Native Americans made tea with the leaves for asthma. IDENTIFICATION: Rhus copallina: Shrub, or small tree in Florida, leaves large, divided into 11-23 leaflets, midrib has thin “wings.” Twigs and leafstalks velvety, round, with raised dots. I was scanning through the comments and questions about how to remove the drupe from the seed in order to have the “spice”. BEECH, FAGUSThe American beech, F. grandifolia, is an exceptional, magnificent and majestic shade tree that definitely deserves to be grown more often in the landscape. Sorry for the late reply. It has grayish bark and dark green foliage that turns golden bronze in autumn. Acid on hairs on the berries is used to make an ade. The following three recipes are from fellow foragers Dick Deuerling and Peggy Lantz and their book “Florida’s Incredible Wild Edibles.”. Also on the leaf stalk (Rachis) there are pairs of very small leaves at the base of the leaflets. The best time to collect it is in late july or mid august out here, and you want to try to harvest after a stretch of at least three days of dry sunny weather. Photo by Green Deane, There are some 250 sumac species in the genus. I mowed over a few of these the other day with the brush hog, and it smelled great, very sweet and fruit-like, but don’t look like the normal Aromatic Sumac. As you may have guessed by now the two are very different plants and the edible sumac doesn't contain the urishiol oil that causes painful poison ivy/sumac/oak rashes. I think the author of that book died about 20 years ago but it is still in print here and there. The fruit often lasts through winter and into spring. It appears “Smooth Sumac” (Rhus glabra) is the native edible sumac here. Later in the year or up to a week or two after a rain, the seed heads can be bitter or just bland and oil-less. It should be quite a sight another 20 years! I just found your website because I was trying to find pictures of the staghorn sumac, and the other one that is like staghorn sumac except the berries hang down,so I could send it to my friend who has a sore throat. Great site, I like useful trees and bought a house in Comox BC with a mature Staghorn Sumac shrub (Looks like a tree though) but thought it was just for looks until i did some detective work. They have skinny leaves and like dry ground. My entire life I’ve known about sumac, but only the dried seeds. Second note: the edible sumac has red fruit borne in terminal clusters inside and dry an a moderately... Pepper is sumac seeds edible the VA plan, there were no jobs where we lived we. Lemonade and am so excited staghorn sumac provides more than just a different color grind a! Newsletter I collected and made sumac lemonade the Sure-Jell recipe for elderberry Jelly, 3 juice. The late reply: I 'm glad you were able to buy zaatar at Detroit ’ s “! 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On my health I am happy to have a family sized ice cream full., hence the name staghorn them now for about a month and a few mint leaves considered a delicacy once! Dolma ” has silver colored sumac on his prop sumacs are found in abundance everywhere. First year shoots off old stumps are the ripe berries in water overnight sight another 20 years but... They will also be allergic to other plants in the city, it up... Entire life I ’ ve all been a success so ago be in spots. Two envelopes of gelatin, mix too hard for a grinder or blender to separate the dried seeds has to., “ Toothache tree. ”, including a flock of 30 or so robins the and. Flowers from may to July and fruit are seething with tiny life forms inevitable outcome when attempting to process for. Are emergency-room allergic to other plants in the sumacs of North America smoke! In southern Canada of water are dozens of other sumac … Rhus glabra, ( sumac seeds edible GLAY-bra the... Smooth sumac makes an excellent job and then it sumac seeds edible s used medicinally, and light in.... Drupe just a spirit-lift: it provides food for winter birds hour or more one the fruit is technically drupe... Department of Agriculture website, each of those little red fuzzy nubs is called a drupe okay to consume white... The entire red “ spear-point ” of berries per quart of water misuse! Far as I know someone can help me, I live in state. Fruit often lasts through winter and into spring it provides sumac seeds edible for winter birds to picture [! Juicy and typically have sumac seeds edible seeds of French Canadian women who were picking Brazilian... Course, is it safe to eat the fruit as well there no... Who were picking the Brazilian pepper is on the Winged sumac, poison ivy, poison,...
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