How might we stabilize population growth? cowarda. These are the types of questions that students will be expected to answer by the end of this lesson. Next students will read IR-18 and we will have a class discussion while looking at a Demographic Transition Model. Why do some human populations grow more quickly than others? Info. Parents start to think more about family planning 3. Report a problem. [Note: Data for additional countries can be found in the U.S. Census Bureau International Data Base]. Direct students to use an Internet search engine to locate additional information about population trends in the assigned country. Implications of the Demographic Transition” held in Madrid, Spain, in Septem-ber 2009. compares to the demographic transition model. Discuss social and economic factors that account for the changes in population patterns over the past two centuries. Stage 1. Flashcards. The "human population" is actually many human populations, separated by geography and time. Does this mean that the classic model is no longer relevant? Key Issues 2.3: Demographic Transition DRAFT. STUDY. Save. 2. Here is the protocol for conducting this research: Third, students will share findings with the class. HUMAN DEMOGRAPHY SEQUENCING NOTE: For an overview of what students will learn about human demography and how this learning builds towards the CAPSTONE for this unit, see the outline below: 7 Billion : Students learn about factors that have influenced the growth of the human population over time. Refer to the current World Population Data Sheet by the Population Reference Bureau to answer the following questions. U.S. 2020 Census and American Community Survey, U.S. Census Bureau International Data Base, Making Population Real: New Lesson Plans and Classroom Activities, American Community Survey (ACS) Data Users Group, PACE (Policy, Advocacy, and Communication Enhanced), To understand the classic demographic transition (DT) model, To explain assumptions and limitations of the classic DT model, To construct graphs of contemporary demographic change, To explain contemporary demographic patterns in the context of the classic DT model, Activity 2: Global Population Patterns and Demographic Transitions. Supply the following data and have the students construct the graph for analysis. Describe the changes in CBRs in a country over time as it makes its way through the DTM b. Refer again to the current World Population Data Sheet to complete the chart below: *GNI PPP refers to gross national income converted to “international” dollars using a purchasing power parity conversion factor. Annotations will emphasize the social and political factors influence a rise or fall in death rate, birth rate, and total population. Students will also write a short summary paragraph of the content from both. Can contemporary less developed countries hope to achieve either the demographic transition or the economic progress enjoyed by more developed countries that passed through the transition at a different time and under different circumstances? 1875 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 520 Because of it, growth rate of population is also different. In addition to troubleshooting technology issues, the most important teacher move in this section is push students to use appropriate evidence for their predictions about the environmental impact of the chosen country in 2050. Spell. * AP and the Advanced Placement Program are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board, which was not involved in the production of these lesson plans. Parents start to think more about family planning. 70% average accuracy. What is more challenging is for students to identify the factors that contribute to this stage, such as quality of medical care. These are the same factors that students may have identified from the FLIPPED assignment. Why did Mexico ‘s late start toward transition result in such dramatic growth? Nairobi, Kenya ], Activity 2: Global Population Patterns and Demographic Transitions. [Note: This may require some research.]. “Data for Graphing” (provided below or, Graphing paper or graphing software (MS Excel), PowerPoint or overhead transparency of “Demographic Transition in Sweden and Mexico” or the data (found in Handout 1) for making this graph (. Explain what the Demographic Transition Model shows. Is Mexico typical of countries currently undergoing transition? 7-11 (PDF: 320KB), Population: A Lively Introduction, 4th edition (PDF: 260KB) Divide the class into four (or more—see note below) groups. “Demographic transition refers to a population […] International dollars indicate the amount of goods and services one could buy in the United States with a given amount of money. Edit. Oceans cover three-quarters of the Earth's surface, but many parts of the deep oceans have yet to be explored. Demographic Transition Europe. The demographic transition model describes how populations change over time. Created: Nov 21, 2011. B. What similarities and differences can be observed? Children are warmer in bed at night because they have more sisters and brothers. Before beginning this activity, assign the readings as homework. Prior to this specific lesson/activity, teacher should discuss with students about the topics of population pyramids and the Demographic Transition model. This lesson plan is part of a teaching package, Making Population Real: New Lesson Plans and Classroom Activities. Why are the demographic experiences of these two countries so different? Next, students will read IR-20 and take notes using IR-19. Stage 3. Activity 1: Activation of Prior Knowledge on the Topic of "Demography" (10 Minutes) Based on targeted questions, collect the students’ prior knowledge on the topic of "demography" and take note of the things they name in a mind map (chalkboard, whiteboard, poster).
I use this activity after teaching both the Demographic Transition Model (stages of demographic transition) and the basics of population pyramids. stage 1 - until 1750 - lots of kids - high CDR bc of black plague and bad harvests stage 2 - industrial revolution for CDR DECLINED - NIR of 1.4 percent stage 3 - 1880-early 1970 - CDR continue to fall but CBR DECLINED SHARPLY stage 4 - almost ZPG. The teacher collects valuable formative assessment data. This resource is designed for UK teachers. What is “Demographic Transition”? Crude Birth Rates (Births per 1,000 people in a given population)1 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 Niger 57.0 57.7 55.9 54.6 55.0 52.4 49.8 47.0 43.0 38.6 Stage 2. The model is based on the experience of the contemporary more developed nations. Tags: Question 2 . Students will use it to make sense of human population growth over time. Is this a country that is likely to focus on the health of its environment or will other issues be more important? Use the data collected in the chart above to construct three simple scattergrams relating crude birth rate and GNI PPP/capita; crude death rate and GNI PPP/capita; and rate of natural increase and GNI PPP/capita. Looking at the model you drew or the one in your textbook, pages 56-57, answer the following questions a. Now return to the original questions to discuss the classic Demographic Transition Model. Critics of the model argue that “demographic transition” is a European phenomenon and not necessarily relevant to the experience of other regions, especially those regions referred to as “less developed” or “developing.”. Try to find out how its birth and death rates have changed over a period of at least ten years. How might we decrease the environmental impact of country? What are the variables described by the demographic transition model? Students should be able to evaluate and apply models to explain changes in global demographic patterns, and use their assessments to predict future needs. Phone: 800-877-9881 4. ), What are the key characteristics of the fourth stage of demographic transition? Activity 3: Can an Old Model Explain New Trends? Updated: Mar 7, 2012. doc, 81 KB. When students have completed their graphs and research, have each group report back to the class. What are the differences between the five phases of the “Demographic Transition”? Second, student groups use this tool to research demographic data and predict that country's future demographic transition stage. natural increase (NI) of total population. Is the difference between more developed countries and less developed countries greater for the crude birth rate or the crude death rate? How might we reduce infant mortality? Have students construct a graph showing the trends in birth and death rates and population growth. The meeting was organized and sponsored by the Fundación Ramón Areces and the Grupo de Estudios Población y Sociedad (GEPS), a consolidated multi-institutional research group funded by … Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering), Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering), Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information, PROTOTYPE ACTIVITY GUIDE: Demographic transition, RESOURCE: The 4 Stages of Demographic Transition, RESOURCE: Demographic Transition and Population Pyramids, RESOURCE: Multiple population pyramids every five years. © 2020 BetterLesson. Stage 4. By the end of this FLIPPED assignment students should be able to describe the demographic transition theory in words or through data visualization; students should also be able to match at least one population pyramid shape to a stage of demographic transition. About this resource. BEFORE this lesson students extract information from two instructional videos so that they can describe the general idea of the demographic transition theory as well as the relationship between the theory and the shape of population pyramids. Activity Using the textbook (page 234/5 ) add notes to each stage of the Demographic Transition Model. Explain the classic stages of demographic transition using the PowerPoint slide or overhead transparency listed above. The teacher will perform explicit modeling and explicitly correct student misunderstanding. The teacher will model this annotation process by adding factors to the "What are the stages of the demographic transition model?" Discuss some criticisms of its relevance to countries only now experiencing demographic change. Given this definition: does a model represent reality or is it a framework against which reality can be measured or evaluated? Phone: +254 735 084293 Regional variations of demographic transitions, Transitions in World Population, p. 6 and pp. Have students construct a graph of birth and death rates in England using either graph paper or graphing software (MS Excel). In this lesson students will be introduced to the demographic transition model. Match. This lesson begins with an exploration of the demographic transition as a FLIPPED assignment before class. Demographic Transition Model worksheet. The highest natural increase rates are found in countries in which stage of the demographic transition model (DTM)? "Demographic Transition" links students' understanding of population pyramids with an explanatory theory that will be essential for success with the Unit CAPSTONE. Why do you think this is? Content Standards What are the key characteristics of the first stage of demographic transition? PLAY. Billy White loses his job as a grave digger. Created by. Question: The Activity Focuses On Some Of The Factors That Determine Population Growth In A Particular Area, How Fertility Rates Have Declined In Many Areas, And Variables That Encourage Large Families In Some Areas But Bring Birth Rates Down In Others. VIDEO ONE: The Four Stages of Demographic Transition, VIDEO TWO: Demographic Transition and Population Pyramids. All Rights Reserved. Activity 3: Can an Old Model Explain New Trends? 0. Children are warmer in bed at night because they have more sisters and brothers. Focus question: How has the human population grown so large so quickly? Explain the classic stages of demographic transition using the PowerPoint slide or overhead transparency listed above. By the end of this mini-lesson, each student should have at least one factor impacting the birth rate and death rate within each stage of demographic transition. What are the key characteristics of the second stage of demographic transition? AP Human Geography*: Unit II—Population Unit IR-19: Demographic Transition Model—Reading to Learn—Answer Key Stage Notes Visual Representation Stage 3 Stage 3 is considered the period of industrialization. Assign the reading above before conducting this activity. What would be an example of a high growth rate? Gravity. (Hint: the differences between the first and second stage are important. Summary: What are the most important features of the demographic transition theory? How do you account for each country’s deviation from the general trend? By the end of this section, students should be able to describe the purpose of this lesson to a classmate and make one prediction supported by evidence about how the human population will impact the environment in 2050. The class will learn about the demographic transition model through a teacher-centered mini-lesson format. This will help you to interpret age pyramids and understand the relationship between age structure and population growth. In class the following day (or after homework is completed): On the board, create four columns for each of the DTM stages being discussed. Is the socioeconomic change experienced by industrialized countries a prerequisite or a consequence of demographic transition? What types of resources will this country use? Terms in this set (10) Billy White loses his job as a gravedigger. This lesson provides a powerful analytic framework. [Encourage students to draw on their knowledge of world history to enrich this discussion. Each students in a group pass written summaries to three classmates for written feedback. With the advent of complex machines (e.g., tractor, cotton gin, and spinning jenny), people were able to increase the efficiency of producing food and clothing. ADVERTISEMENTS: Theory of Demographic Transition is a theory that throws light on changes in birth rate and death rate and consequently on the growth-rate of population. What factors cause changes in the shapes of population pyramids? 806 times. If there is more than one country with the same rate, select any one of the countries. Student groups will be assigned one of the six countries previously studied: Nigeria, France, India, United States, Mexico, and China. Students predict the future demographic transition state of a country and connect this future state to the likely environmental impact of that country. ), What are the key characteristics of the third stage of demographic transition? DEMOGRAPHIC TRANSITION MODEL DTM Use your notes, your chart and your textbook to answer the following 1. Are they rising? BetterLesson reimagines professional learning by personalizing support for educators to support student-centered learning. Finally, students will work with data from the United States Census Bureau to assess their understanding of the demographic transition theory. Washington, DC 20009 stage 3 The birth rate is declining and people are living longer so it is more affordable and necessary. Test. They will be shown a video clip that outlines the characteristics of each stage and the reasons for birth rates and death rates. (E.g. Ask if you have questions.) Throughout much of history human populations have been characterized by relative stability—high birth rates and high death rates fluctuating around a low growth equilibrium. Then students will answer the following question: If the world population is 9 billion in 2050, what impact will this have on the environment? Compare the graph of England’s transition to the classic model. Calculate the percentage (to the nearest whole number) of the world’s population expected to be living in less developed countries in 2025 and in 2050.2025: _______________ 2050: _______________, Rank the following regions according to the demographic characteristics, in the chart below. Ask students if the classic model has a place in contemporary population analysis, and explain that they will test the model in this activity. From discussion, students should gain a basic understanding of the information contained within each of these two types of geographic. Population growth and decline over time and space What is understood as the theory of “Demographic Transition”? ... answer choices . Email:, © 2020 Population Reference Bureau. Topics to include in discussion: • Crude Birth Rate Geography; Geography / People and environment / Population; PRIOR KNOWLEDGE NOTE: Students should have demonstrated proficiency with survivorship curves prior to this lesson. These videos are from a third party and attribution information is available from the host pages linked above. ], In general, what is the relationship between each indicator and GNI PPP/capita? 3) Answer the follow-up questions on the back based on your graph. Email:, Kenya Office Based on the data collected in the final chart above, speculate in which stage of the classic demographic transition model each of these countries would fall. Population Reference Bureau [Note: Graphs can be constructed either manually on graph paper or electronically using a software program such as MS Excel. Find the country with the highest crude birth rate and fill in the name of the country and the rate in the chart below. How might we use this model to explain how the population growth trends of countries will stress the Earth’s limited natural resources? Because the countries of Europe, as well as the United States, have achieved economic success and enjoy generally high standards of living, completion of the demographic transition has come to be associated with socioeconomic progress. Learn. Select the group's chosen country from the "Select one or more Countries or Areas" box. How does a population pyramid provide information about stages of demographic transition? Handout 1. ], Central Concepts: Demographic transition model; birth rate; death rate; natural increase. Compare the transitions in these two countries to the classic model. But do the changes that occurred in Western Europe and the United States have relevance for modern countries just entering the industrial age? Is it necessary that all countries share the experiences of Europe and the United States in order to pass through a demographic transition? Do you agree or disagree with the prediction? The demographic transition model (DT) is the transition from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates as a country develops from a pre-industrial to an industrialized economic system. By the end of this section all students should be able to describe the causes of demographic transition. Is the Demographic Transition Model useful as a framework for evaluating demographic change in regions outside Europe and the United States? With the spread of the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century, dramatic changes began to occur in the populations of industrializing countries. First, student groups select a country to assess that has not yet been studied during class. All Rights Reserved. The demographic transition has swept the world since the end of the nineteen th century. RESOURCE NOTE: The attached PROTOTYPE ACTIVITY GUIDE contains a series of learning activities that might be modified by educators for classroom use. Why? Demographic transition is a model used to represent the movement of high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates as a country develops from a pre-industrial to an industrialized economic system. Do the same for the highest crude death rate and the lowest crude birth and death rates. Students need to understand the basic ideas of the demographic transition model in order to provide evidence-based claims that describe why human population pyramids differ and how population pyramids will change over time. Explain in words and with a diagram. annashull. Students will be prompted to identify which scenario matches and answer questions using the scenario cards provided in the handouts. [See alternative strategy below]. The underlying premise of the classic Demographic Transition Model is that all countries will eventually pass through all four stages of the transition, just as the countries of Europe did. 2. Students will have to show an understanding of … Activity 3 – Small Group 3 Summarise the information in the text, answer the introductory questions and present your results. Geography. 3 years ago. Write. EXPLORE: What is the demographic transition theory? Focus question: How do different rates of development within a country influence how specific human populations will impact the environment? Students will be able to: 1) articulate the key elements of the demographic transition (DT) model; 2) construct graphs of contemporary demographic change; and 3) explain contemporary demographic patterns in the context of the classic DT model. Demographic Cri±cal Thinking Ac±vity Situa±on Stage Explana±on Billy White loses his job as a gravedigger. PowerPoint or overhead transparency of “A Model” (. First, each group has the goal of matching the population pyramid of the selected country with the demographic transition stage of that country and explaining the factors in that country that contribute to the identified stage of demographic transition. 5. By the end of this section students should be able to match the shape of a country's population pyramid with the demographic stage of that country. Categories & Ages. The demographic transition model describes how populations change over time. More land could be It shows how variations in birth rates (BR) and death rates (DR) cause fluctuations in the natural changes e.g. Rates can be found in the. In class, students first share ideas about the demographic transition theory that they learned from the FLIPPED assignment and then work through models of the theory from video and text resources. Dramatic changes followed first the Agricultural Revolution some 8,000 years ago, and later the Industrial Revolution 250 years ago, when improvements in food supply and changes in health and hygiene triggered unprecedented population growth. Is There Correlation Between Demographic Indicators and Economic Well-Being? How will economic, social, or political factors influence this country's use of natural resources? There are more Golden Anniversaries being celebrated. graph. Nigeria, France, India, United States, Mexico, and China. 9th - 12th grade. The. Population pyramids are another data visualization tool that will require many of the same skills that students needed for survivorship curves, such as collecting data, processing data for use in a graph, plotting data, drawing conclusions from data, comparing the meaning of different graphs, and using data visualizations to make predictions about future population growth. Before beginning this activity, assign the readings as homework. 4. The Neolithic Revolution, or the (First) Agricultural Revolution, was the wide-scale transition of many human cultures during the Neolithic period from a lifestyle of hunting and gathering to one of agriculture and settlement, making an increasingly large population possible. Uses and Limitations of the DTM •Its Eurocentric •Based on western Europe •Based on events from the past •Its had to have been adapted since it was used – Stage 5 was added •Not relevant to countries that aren’t industrialized •Some LEDCs have imported medicine/sanitation How might we use this model to explain how the population growth trends of countries will stress the Earth’s lim Plan your 60-minute lesson in Science with helpful tips from Daniel Babauta why has the death rate fallen in stage 2, but the birth rate still remain high?) In this activity you will use the data provided for a specific country to produce an age pyramid diagram and answer questions that relate to the world’s population and your countries population structure. What information can a population pyramid provide about a stage of demographic transition? Students engage in silent peer review once they have finished. Unit 3 Oceans. Without providing the demographic transition model stages, assign students a country from the following list. Pupils will then undertake a living graph activity with temporal statements relating to the UK. In the 1930s and 1940s, demographers proposed a model to explain the demographic changes observed in Western Europe between the late 18th and early 20th centuries. Which characteristics are most helpful in making decisions? Population pyramid and demographic transition relationship. Along with the economic development, tendencies of birth-rate and death rate are different. Students may use one of the following resources for this task: Second, each group will present their findings to the class. Phrase your response in the form of three generalizations. Demographic Transition Critical Thinking Activity Situation 1. Students will read a short article about the demographic transition model and then annotate a graphical representation of the model. ], Show a graph of demographic transition in Sweden and Mexico using the PowerPoint or overhead transparency listed above. What causes population growth rate to reach zero? [for example, “the higher the CBR, the…the GNI PPP/capita”], Identify countries that are outliers in each graph. What additional information would be useful? (Hint: the differences between the second and third stage are important. 2. Which stages of demographic transition have a high rate of population growth? (Hint: the differences between the third and fourth stage are important.). EXPLAIN: Population pyramids and demographic transition, EVALUATE: Transition and environmental impact. Why is the life expectancy higher some countries? This model—the Demographic Transition Model—suggests a shift from high fertility/high mortality to low fertility/low mortality, with an intermediate period of rapid growth during which declining fertility rates lag behind declining mortality rates. This classic model is based on the experience of Western Europe, in particular England and Wales. Human Population Pyramids: Students learn how to develop the population pyramid data visualization tool to formally represent an analyze the various human populations throughout the world. Finally, student groups will read one prediction to the whole class. Are there multiple ways to achieve a similar end. Choose "Individual Country data only" from the "Aggregation Options" box. The Demographic Transition Model (DTM) generalises the changes that the population of a country goes through as its economy develops from being pre-industrial to industrial, then post-industrial. Such factors might include improved medicine, education, and participation in the workforce. Teachers may want to hold a whole class discussion of ideas in order to help students make connections between economic, social, and political factors affecting a population and the population pyramid and demographic transition stage of that country. Take time to discuss the definition of “model.”. Is the socioeconomic change experienced by industrialized countries a, Graphing paper or graphing software such as MS Excel. Review the classic Demographic Transition Model. Have students construct a graph of birth and death rates in England using either graph paper or graphing software (MS Excel). For this task, nearly all students groups are able to match the population pyramid with the stage of demographic transition. Population Education is the only national program providing curriculum resources & professional development for K-12 educators focusing on human population. These settled communities permitted humans to observe and experiment with plants to learn how they grew and developed. Privacy Policy, The Demographic Transition: A Contemporary Look at a Classic Model, [Note: The page numbers provided refer to the pages of the publication, not the pdf file. View US version. How Do Demographic Characteristics Vary Among World Regions? Stage 3. ... Where is the country in terms of the demographic transition diagram? The classic Demographic Transition Model is based on the experience of Western Europe, in particular England and Wales. Waiyaki Way Cassia House, Ground Floor Assign each group one of the countries for which data is provided in Handout 1. Demographic Transition Model - Student Questions & Answer KeyThese are a number of thoughtful questions presented to students after having worked with and spent time with the Demographic Transition model. Examine the population pyramid of this country in 2050. Students will describe the demographic transition stage of one of the countries from "Human Population Pyramids" using the population pyramid of that country. Parents start to think more about family planning. Demographic Transition Model worksheet. Subtract the lowest rate from the highest rate for both crude births and deaths and enter in the chart. RESOURCES NOTE: Both videos are attached in case youtube is blocked within a school. How does the shape of a population pyramid impact a country's stage of demographic transition? Demographic transition is a series of stages that a country goes through when transitioning from non-industrial to industrial. What are some limitations? Students will also use it to consider potential solutions to problems people face in different societies. In this process, students develop an evidence-based understanding of how different population structures uniquely impact the Earth and how these unique impacts will become more or less intense over time. 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