Quitting or abstaining is the only solution to live a good life as Allah would wish. He makes us disobey our creator and destroy the beautiful gift of mother nature. To give up the gift of free will is to sin gravely. I got this video from (vimeo.com) because I want to share this with the people who watch YouTube than vimeo. If you are keen enough, you will find that most of the verses that are being mentioned are seen to pass information indirectly. It certainly doesn't reach the spiritual significance of missing Mass, or eating meat on a lenten Friday. As you know, marijuana is becoming legal in certain states. For Catholics, an activity that is done in excess and does not please God or help us in any way is considered inappropriate. The big difference between smoking and drinking is that the vast majority of people only drink for special occasions. You know what happens in the end when you take more than what is needed. On top of that most Hindus travel from far places to their main temple known as Pashtu to perform their ritual acts. Now onto worship of the Lord and Jesus while smoking marijuana, I have had powerful electrifying encounters with the Holy Spirit, both with and without marijuana, when I am reading or listening to the word of God, he often comes to me, no matter what, so I don’t think it’s a sin in the way I am using it. These are probably the worst ways you could use swear words. it’s said that before their meditation time their god known as Shiva smoked to enable him to relax and focus on the process fully. Let's take a look at what the Bible says and how it applies to using marijuana. when you smoke near a child, he or she might develop complications that may kill them at the end. What does the Catholic Church teach about the morality of smoking cigarettes? That is when I heard that smoking was a mortal sin. How they are not evil unless abused. I think it becomes a sin, especially when you use it in regards to another person. You may also know the man was fond of cigars. Smoking was around the whole time when the bible was being written. Note that this act is only allowed during the holiday time and not any other day that one feels like doing it. Loading... Unsubscribe from Ali-Marie Ingram? Smoking is an addiction, a weakness. Is smoking marijuana a sin? Smoking is … How to Stop Feeling Worthless, Useless & Alone, Tobacco can be used as an element in making the The Catechism of the Catholic Church does not forbid smoking tobacco, but it does state that Christians should avoid using it to excess. Bible verses about smoking. If we assume you're smoking marijuana legally, I still think it's a sin. See Janet Smith's audio tapes and writing here. He said as plain as can be that smoking cigarettes was a mortal sin because it was self-abuse and smokers were … Smoking is no less forgivable than any other sin, whether for a person becoming a Christian or a Christian confessing his/her sin to God (1 John 1:9). I'm not Catholic, but all religions believe in one way or another that sins can be forgiven. Confess your sins and the holy spirit will take over your whole body and soul. Is smoking marijuana a sin? Nor does it cause a person to lose salvation. . Smoking as cool on the tv screen is like an ad for cigarettes. She is the author of Living the Truth in Love: Pastoral Approaches to Same-Sex Attraction, In the Beginning . Hence, it is important that every Catholic knows which are the actions he or she, with the help of God’s grace and for love of Him, must avoid. Your body is the temple of God and when you use drugs for recreational purposes, your life can be short-lived than you expected. “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you whom you have from God and you are not your own? On the other hand, you're talking about a premeditated sin. If you do so intentionally, knowing that it is wrong, then it would be a mortal sin. They will make so many different excuses and twist words to justify sin. But whenever the same benefits can be gained without commensurate harm, we have an obligation to use the harmless alternatives. God dwells in you, if anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him There is a certain verse from the bible which says that when we confess our sins, our God who is faithful and just forgives our sins thus purifying us from within. We all now are fairly well educated on the harms of cigarette smoking; they are many and serious. Photo: Shutterstock. All of that would seem to indicate smoking cigarettes is a sinful action for … Our health is so important to the Lord that in 1 Corinthians 3:16-17, He calls our bodies temples of God. Over a million copies of her talk, "Contraception: Why Not" have been distributed. : A Theology of the Body, Life Issues, Medical Choices: Questions and Answers for Catholics, The Right to Privacy (Bioethics & Culture), Humanae Vitae: A Generation Later and the editor of Why Humanae Vitae Was Right. Christian should not even wait to see the answers to what does the bible say at every time and every place of prayer: eat and drink but waste not by excess . Pastor Lance explains and answers the question, Is using marijuana a SIN? Put another way, we may ask “Is smoking marijuana a sin?” Below are certain verses that do not actually tell us to quit smoking but just tell us what is expected from us as Gods creation. 3:16-17 do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the spirit of Instead, you will keep dragging yourself backward. A: During the period of continuing formation following my ordination, I was introduced to Stephen Covey’s well-known book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Those that are known to be minor are taken care off during We're taught not get intoxicated. you need more and more. Moreover, the fact that most smokers are addicted to smoking indicates that they have given up some of their freedom. Allah loveth those who do good. case of emergency and you have no options. Smoking may also endanger a baby in the mothers’ womb. . Moreover, smokers are more likely to engage in alcohol abuse and a host of other risky behaviors. What the Quran Says About Smoking. not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin but present It’s understandable, as smoking has a long and venerable tradition among men, and especially among Catholics. avoid that sin completely. Smoking tobacco is a disgusting, filthy, addictive habit that turns the mouth of the smoker into an ashtray. No, and yes smoking pot is indeed a sin. In addition, most goals that you had in life won’t be reached in time as planned. It’s said that the holy man will always have to take marijuana thus enabling him to forget everything and focus fully on the meditation process. Smoking in Hinduism is not a sin at all. Many people ask questions such as is smoking a sin? “I beseech you, therefore, brethren by the mercies of God that you present your body a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God which is your reasonable service”. In stating that smoking is a sin, we are not stating that all smokers are unsaved. allergy element and can be used on the skin to soothe allergies, Tobacco leaves can be used to soothe wounds in Any good Muslim should not wait to look at what the Quran says about smoking but rather focus on keeping his or her body pure as it pleases Allah (SWT}. Moreover, the fact that most smokers are addicted to smoking indicates that they have given up some of their freedom. 1st Corinthians By 1575, provincial synods in the New World already had to address the fact that Indians, converting to Catholicism, had brought the practice of smoking … Wear your beautiful apparel Because Catholics are not legalists. Can Catholics smoke pot? Can you please explain if a few beers making me feel a little different is a mortal sin, a venal sin, or nothing at all? It is even advisable to put on good perfume and be as clean as possible before prayers in Islam. I Googled the phrase "Why I love smoking cigarettes"and came up with an amazing number of justifications, ranging from being a stimulant, to a sedative, to a great aide for enabling — and preventing — social interactions. Seek refuge in God for he will definitely strengthen you as he has promised in the Holly Bible. Even though smoking doesn’t make you a “bad” Catholic (If such thing even exists) I felt like the guys went out of their way to validate their … The will of Adam acting as head of the human race for the conservation or loss of original justice is the cause and source of original sin (q.v.). **Dunking Your Aggie Ring. I am a Catholic currently married to a divorced non-Catholic whose ... to use to justify their behavior of (alleged) sin. They must communicate with their god as their normal routine. He gave us the beautiful gift of our souls that are kept in the body. There are many true believers in Jesus Christ who smoke. Privacy Policy Designed using Magazine News Byte. I’m in beautiful Colorado and yes the natives are toking. Therefore, it’s always up to you as a Christian to know of what is expected from you with the almighty. Confusing Smoking and Sin. There for we can say what the bible says about smoking in general is to keep away from anything that will harm our body to which is the temple of God. Be choosy on the kind of life that you are willing to leave while you are still on this planet. for the temple of God is holy, which temple you are. Janet E. Smith. Nearly one third of all adults smoke tobacco, even though, thanks to education programs, it is now common knowledge that smoking is harmful. In 1964 the Surgeon General, Luther Terry, issued the first report on the dangers of smoking. Catholics believe there are two types of sin, venial and mortal. Smokers die 13 to 14 years earlier than others. Short sermon on drinking & smoking. Do not forget that good is the one that created all the living Watch this episode of Made for Glory as Father Michael Nixon talks about Catholics … The bishops cannot endorse legalizing drug use because they are called to the opposite of leading the flock into sin; smoking marijuana, outside of medical use, is a sin. Anything that destroys life is against Gods will and a proper At the same time, we firmly believe that smoking is a sin that should be forsaken and, with God’s help, overcome. things around us. It not only poisons the body of the smoker but pollutes the air that others around the smoker breathe. Smoking is an addition that takes control of our lives away from us. © 1996-2019 Catholic Education Resource Center | Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | Sitemap, CERC is an entirely reader-supported web site and non-profit charity. You are actively cursing another person. Men struggling with habitual sin need to be supported with catholic teaching. Standard ethics dictate that if you are given something by a loved one, you should keep it and guard it jealously from any harm. Cancer, Lung diseases, Liver and dangerous heart conditions is all you get in the long run. Keep in mind that you should Going to hell will only depend on your strong belief in the Holy Bible and Gods word. Is smoking a sin according to the Bible and in God's eyes? In addition, a person that is saved finds it quite difficult to engage in activities that displease God. Not tobacco but other substances such as opium, and yet it doesn’t even get a mention. Hell is usually never a curse word, but when used in the context of, "Go to Hell!" Smoking is not a sin as long as its use is moderate enough not to gravely harm one’s health. Faith (November, 2012). Romans 6; 13 and do People claim it helps them look sophisticated, or helps them express rebellion or acts as a reward or motivation. Moreover, smokers are more likely to engage in alcohol abuse and a host of other risky behaviors. Aside from the question of whether and how to criminalize the drug (a question of political prudence), a more fundamental question for Catholics is whether smoking the stuff “recreationally” — i.e., for pleasure and not for medical reasons — is morally licit. It’s also a way of making your creator pleased with your worldly deeds. This was an interesting watch. the tobacco that is being smoked can be used in useful ways. I Googled the phrase "Why I love smoking cigarettes"and came up with an amazing number of justifications, ranging from being a stimulant, to a sedative, to a great aide for enabling — and preventing — social interactions. Is smoking a sin? Not all weaknesses kill the soul. Many of the things we do, such as playing sports, riding motorcycles or drinking alcohol, come with the risk of harm. These new generation of professing Christians does not care for God’s Word. Everything in moderation. Visit Janet Smith's web page here. Smoking in moderation is not a sin at all (CCC 2290). When you are smoking, the people or anyone around suffers the most i.e. Next. Keep in mind that when you are too much into worldly things i.e. I was at a weekday Mass in a neighboring parish, and the priest gave a short homily about addiction. I hardly think so; I would be surprised if it is. “The virtue of temperance disposes us to avoid every kind of excess: the abuse of food, alcohol, tobacco, or medicine. If you are keen with this verse, note that smoking habit is not pleasing to our creator. Q: Being a new Catholic, I’m still learning many things. I have two concerns on that statement. G.K. Chesterton, Pope St. Pius X, Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, Evelyn Waugh, J.R.R. Jimmy Akin lays out the Catholic Church’s position on when medical use of marijuana and other mind-altering substances is appropriate, and explains the principles behind the Church’s general opposition to marijuana’s recreational use. We all know that we have lost many beautiful lives and property due to carelessness by some individuals in the name of smoking. I have read of people with mental illness who are greatly calmed by smoking cigarettes; their tendency to violence is greatly curtailed. You're counting on the "insurance" of your faith. for Allah loveth not the wasters.”. So once again, the ethics of marijuana are back on the table. If people want to discuss Catholic vs Protestant teaching I suggest they go to other forums. Not only is it sinful, but it is bad for you. Other think that smoking in excess is a venial sin because the addictiveness of smoking would lessen the culpability. But is using tobacco per se a sin? Q: I have a question regarding the use of marijuana and whether it is considered a sin to smoke it recreationally now that it is legal in Washington state. We provide two answers to these frequently asked moral theological topics, extracted from The Best Questions and Answers (over 300 answers from 30 years of questions featured in The Angelus magazine). A sin of commission is a positive act contrary to some prohibitory precept; a sin of omission is a failure to do what is commanded. For you to repeat the major ones, you have to always be sincere with your repentance. by Matt Slick The Bible does not address the issue of smoking cigarettes. Allah (SWT) did not give you your body to destroy. Bad idea for believers of any religion. I just recently found out that getting drunk is a mortal sin. Therefore, a religious ritual is performed whereby marijuana is mixed with the fire. Transcript: Host: We go now to Jim in Brighton, Michigan, listening on Ave Maria Radio. We can only count several bad things compared to the good that comes with smoking. Maybe once upon a time, when we didn't know any better, it wouldn't have been a sin. Though we cannot definitively say that smoking is a sin, it appears that it would be given the above examination of Scripture. it will kill and repel unwanted pests and insects, The nicotine in tobacco is a very rich anti skin Is it a sin to smoke? Put another way, we may ask “Is smoking marijuana a sin?” of righteousness to God. Before I became a Christian I was a pothead. This article is reprinted with permission of the author and the Diocese of Lansing. On top of that most Hindus travel from far places to their main temple known as Pashtu to perform their ritual acts. To conclude, in Islam, there are sins that are minor and those that are major which means that their judgment won’t be the same. Actual sin is committed by a free personal act of the individual will. So smoking in moderation is not a sin… The question is, why should you destroy this valuable gift intentionally? put in your mind that there is always a way out no matter how hard a situation might seem to be like. Whether something is temperate or not depends upon a balance of goods and harms. It is said that the holy book known as the Quran do not in any way denounce smoking. The bishops cannot endorse legalizing drug use because they are called to the opposite of leading the flock into sin; smoking marijuana, outside of medical use, is a sin. Heaven is for the righteous. As a good Christian, do not use them in a negative way i.e. … best pest controlling chemicals in our farms. Telling someone, "fuck you" is a sin because you are cursing another person. I'm pretty sure that smoking in excess is at least a venial sin. They include. Janet E. Smith holds the Father Michael J. McGivney Chair of Life Ethics at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit. This item is not beneficial to our spiritual life and thereby using it won’t add anything to our own bodies thus making our relationship with God to fumble a lot. That question, dear reader, is, as they say, above my pay grade. Then why not quit smoking as a Christian and save yourself from anything that is not pleasing to God. All of that would seem to indicate smoking cigarettes is a sinful action for most everyone who smokes. Bakarah -195 states that and spent your substance in the cause of Allah This thread is focused on guys struggling with repetitive and habitual sin. Pipe Smoking 101. Smoking is no less forgivable than any other sin, whether for a person becoming a Christian or a Christian confessing his/her sin to God (1 John 1:9). Published in Ask Father/Bishop. If smoking marijuana is no longer illegal, is there any other moral reason why Christians should … You might as well forget the pot, or live in fear of smoking … Usually? What justifications could there be for smoking? "Is smoking immoral?" (From an Ex-Pothead) - My Catholic Perspective Ali-Marie Ingram. We should know that our body is the temple of God. Aside from the question of whether and how to criminalize the drug (a question of political prudence), a more fundamental question for Catholics is whether smoking the stuff “recreationally” — i.e., for pleasure and not for medical reasons — is morally licit. What justifications could there be for smoking? Whereas a mortal sin takes a person out of God's graces, a venial sin does not. Talk, `` go to the Bible does not please God or help us in any way considered... Sin completely ’ womb quite difficult is smoking a sin catholic engage in alcohol abuse and host. Free will is to sin gravely cases, the benefits from smoking examination of Scripture question... Their tendency to violence is greatly curtailed inhale the steam to help in clearing their breathing system for cigarettes does. 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