essay on old age parents

April 1, 2017 July 3rd, 2018 Nursing. .hide-if-no-js { Taking care of them is his way of gratitude. display: inline; Facebook 0 Twitter 0 Google+ 0 Viber WhatsApp. By Sartaj Singh on July 22, 2018 • ( Leave a comment ) Some people believe that a great difference in age between parents … Yet it should be mostly the government’s responsibility to care for the elderly people who spent their adult lives paying taxes and investing their work in the common good. He agrees that we should take care of them because they bought him to this world and has been talking care of him ever since. The help from home care services allows you to maintain your relationship while providing the best care possible. My Parents Essay. She agrees with the previous interviewer Jo Teing that we should take care of them, as it is our responsibility to do so when they can’t do in themselves anymore. We should take care of them when they are weak, old and need our support. •From here on I inserted a scenario that if your parents were addicted to alcohol/drugs will you help them or let them continue what they are doing. She says that there are no disadvantages because they took care of her and they never felt as if she was a burden, so if we were not a burden to them they are not a burden for us. As a conclusion, after everything that they had gone through with each other, No matter where you are from they will still take care of their parents. She thinks if the situation is out or control she would send them to an old folks but if can be controlled she would help them. You can view samples of our professional work here. April 29, 2014 by admin Basic Essay Writing Tips, Essay Samples, Free Essay Samples. Though my eyes, I can never return the favors for all the great and wonderful experiences that they have given to me. Parents raise their children. It might benefit both of them but it depends on their age/health but they can help him by giving some advice if he needs it. He agrees that we should take care of our parents because it is our duty as their child. Parents are the closest people that we had, have or will have someday in our life. Get an essay like this only for $16.70/page. In the taking care of parents essay above, one of our writers claims that people should be encouraged to help their parents, but not obliged to support them no matter what relationship they have. Such lonely elderly parents have to take shelter in old age homes. Nowadays, some children sent their parents to old age home to avoid the responsibility of caring. 1• Should you take care of your parents when they have grown old? It would help us in the long run. However, there is also another side to the coin. In old days, we would never think of sending our parents to an old age home but as the time has changed and we are more comfortable with staying in a nuclear family so we tend to take such decisions. The Causes and Effects of Fear of Old Age ... Old age: The Twilight Years Humped over and leaning on his cane, tottering and unsteady, the old man walked towards the front porch, decorated with bright yellow sunflowers, conveying warmth and happiness. Your email address will not be published. She agrees that we should take care of our parents because it is our responsible. But this is the digital age. He believes that it won’t benefit him or them because he would be out working the benefit he sees is that, if some one else takes care of them all the time. Caring for parents as they age is never easy. Absolutely FREE essays on Teenage Pregnancy. Instantly find great topics for your essay, Taking Care of Aging Parents: Essay About Family Relationships, Philosophy Essay Example: Causal Determinism. When we have grown older, we then understand what they were trying to tell us. 4• Do you think it benefits you and your parents if they lived with you? In India about 7.5% of the population is above 60 years and the life expectancy is increasing gradually. Accessed 18 Feb 2019. It benefits him because they can take care of his kids in the future and they will be closer to each other. 1336 words (5 pages) Essay. If we imagine a household with four elderly people (parents of both partners) being “attached” to it in addition to children and other responsibilities, it seems clear that such an idea is absurd and far from the modern idea of justice. IELTS Essay Correction: Age Difference Between Parents and Children. 2 By then we would have implement it to our heads to take care or them. .disclaimer::before { This means that Asians have a longer period of time to stay will our parents rather then the westerners. Parents give life to their children. Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher? Below is a free essay on “Not Sending Parents to Old Age Homes” from Anti Essays. In old age the body parts starts to get weak. We, their children, want them to live happily, in peace and preferably in the one place where they have always lived – their own homes. He agrees that we should take care of them because they were responsible for raising us. By making children obliged to care for their elderly parents, we would put children under constant pressure from possibly unpleasant and burdening relationships without any chance of escaping them. They gave them values, courage and motivation to face all hardships. From simple essay plans, through to full dissertations, you can guarantee we have a service perfectly matched to your needs. If you need assistance with writing your essay, our professional essay writing service is here to help! By doing this, they are channeling their negative emotions towards their parents. It benefits here because she still can get the advice she needs and she will be happily returning the things that her parents have gave her. Therefore, they have right to expect something from their children in their old age. In childhood and youth one has parents and other close elderly kith and … Nowadays, many children are dumping their aged parents by sending them to the old … My Parents are very dear to us. They raised, support and made them able to live in the society. Looking for a flexible role? We've received widespread press coverage since 2003, Your UKEssays purchase is secure and we're rated 4.4/5 on So I have interviewed a few people outside of Malaysia. They … She would help them because if it was her that was an alcoholic or drug addict they will help her and she would do the same for them. Parents … Of course, people should be motivated to care for their parents, yet they must not be held responsible for this care. His disadvantage is that there is less privacy but still he will take care of them. It benefits them in ways like she would have more family related memories rather then lonely one. Coe and Van Houtven’s study concluded that both men and women who took care of their elderly parents were more likely to experience depression and evaluate their health lower (991). Letting them say with you during their golden years can bring good memories to all. From what he said he has argued with them but he will take care of them. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Caring For Parents In Old Age Philosophy Essay. *You can also browse our support articles here >. There are also a sizable number of men and women who are forced to take the decision of leaving their parents in old age homes, because their parents leave them no other choice with their attitude and behaviour. Most elderly people cannot reconcile themselves to the idea of living in old age homes. Some people manipulate the bad memories with their parents and use them as motives to send their parents away as revenge. 1st Jan 1970 An old parent staying in an old age home is a common enough phenomenon. Professionals specialized in giving care for the elderly should be hired specifically to do this stressful and challenging job, yet it is unfair to put such additional burden on adult children of elderly parents. The idea of children becoming responsible for the well-being of their elderly parents is not new. VAT Registration No: 842417633. 991-1010. Sometime parents even kill their own desire and happiness to make their children successful. He says that there are benefits if they stayed with him. 2• Are there any disadvantage if they lived with you? The parenting style where the parents are involved and monitor their children is related to … Parents give life to their children. Should Adults Be Responsible for Their Elderly Parents? And it’s not specifically in Britain, there are several families in other countries like India who have send old people to old age … If he can do it himself he would. While the old father is accepted by one son, the equally old mother takes shelter in the house of some other son or daughter. Parents play a big role in their child’s academic achievement, especially depending on the parenting style use. The immunity that we pose in our young age is no more the same in that age. Parents give life to their kids. Essay about necessity of physical exercise my school canteen essay in urdu how to write good in class essay, edsp 360 case study 2 example of photo essay about issues essay about segregation, essays about cardiovascular diseases hindi old age parents on in Essay, essay on a wedding in my family what is the nature of god essay: essay … We're here to answer any questions you have about our services. We should be aware about the things that we consume. 974 Words Essay on the Problems of Old Age. I disagree because they should focus on the positive memories that they have spent together with them instead of the negative ones. They spend long hours at the workplace leaving their sick or old parents alone at home. 10 Lines, 100, 200, 400, 500 words essay on my parents. Consequently, the elderly often … The old people have spent all of their lives for their families. The relationships between children and their parents are thus not consensual. The idea of obligation of children to take care for their elderly parents would not only have limited effect on the well-being of parents, it might also harm the children’s health. (2009) notes “we find a culture that prefers youth to old age…  +  9, 2009, pp. Although it should be socially appreciated behavior for a child to help his or her elderly relations, children did not choose to become in the relationships with their parents, so they should not be legally or morally obliged to care for them. However, in the above cultures, children also participate in elderly care, as a form of compensation for the nurture their parents gave them when they were young. He says that it’s not a disadvantage because if what you are is what they have done then that’s that. But is it desirable? They love us not because we are smart, beautiful, successful or we have a good sense …  =  3. Parents give everything they can to make sure their children grow up safe and ready to face the future ahead … Unfortunately, our parents don’t become younger over time. The reason behind this could be that, Westerns have their freedom at a very young age. The body starts to degenerate. 6• Do you think that because of those arguments you had with them will you still let them stay with you or will you let them be as a revenge for those arguments? Doing something as to take in your parents is a small favor but it is better to have started rather to have not. On our blog, you can find many interesting samples, helpful guides, and useful tips for your writing. This does not mean that elderly people should be left for themselves and without any help, of course. 4 Wiley, doi:10.1002/hec.1512. In short, while people should be encouraged to help out their elderly parents, they surely must not be obliged to take care for them. Child labour essay in english 150 words, write an essay about memorial day, short essay … Copyright © 2003 - 2020 - UKEssays is a trading name of All Answers Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales. Therefore, the additional stress of the obligation to take full care of their elderly parents leads to intense stress and possible health issues. She has argued with them but its no strong enough to leave them be, she believes that if she is successful it’s because of them. Parents always try to make their children able and they want to see them a successful person. al. In addition, we offer you a list of topics for your essays to draw inspiration and original ideas from. This is not an example of the work produced by our Essay Writing Service. It is a matter of fact that if parents can admit their children in crèche when they are working or don’t have time to take care of them, then indeed children can also send them to old age homes when required. }. Parents give everything they can to make sure their children grow up safe and ready to face … Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a university student. In modern society, some people do not wish to take care of their parents. He would not hold it against them because at the end he knows they were right. Reference this. Essay on My Parents for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Encourage Your Aging Parents … He believes that we should take care of our parents because they have done a lot for him and thanks to them he is here. Yet, what if your relationship is a real burden for you? Most kid has gone through thick and thin with his or her parents before. If you want to get a unique sample for your personal use – click the order button and save your time! All work is written to order. Company Registration No: 4964706. Old age … If you have a good relationship with your father and mother, this help is a natural part of your communication. As parents grow older and find it hard to care for themselves financially and personally, a popular view suggests that their children should take on the responsibility for them. } essays. That is why I believe that this topic is vital to be discussed. So I have interviewed with a few Malaysians to see what are their response. Old Age Homes in India The dream of the people all over the world to live long lives is now becoming a reality due to the socio-economic development of people and advancement in sciences, particularly medical sciences. She agrees with Ms Nagini that if you were in trouble they would help you and if they are in trouble she will do the same to help. Most Asia culture practices family values, for example telling their kids to take care of them when they have grown old. Yes I agree that a large number of senior citizens are often abandoned by their own kith and kin and left to rot in old age homes. Essays on Old Age. He says that it’s an advantage because they can given you the mental support. Narrative Essay: I Love My Parents Parents are the closest people that we have in our lives, whether we realize it or not. The moral lesson is one should not dump their aged parents. They were telling us what we were doing wrong but we take it as a negative sign. Not only do children enter into relationships with their parents without any consent, but they also face far more health risks if they take care of their parents. The idea of children becoming responsible for the well-being of their elderly parents is not new. It benefits him more because they can help each other and exchange experiences. Parents raise their children. Literally it is the stage of life where parents need their children help .It is very important to a person to be happy at this age … From my understanding and experiences, I think that we should take care of our parents, no matter what the consequences. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! Article shared by. She still would take care of them even with these disadvantages. He has argued with them but he is mature now and he would not make a big deal out of it. Others might not have a good or close relationship with their parents, so if they were to be asked to take care of them they might reject the request. * CAPTCHA * She has argued with her parents before but it not that big a deal for her. He has argued with his parents before but he does not think it’s a reason to hold it against them. Parents Should Not Be Sent to Old-Age Homes Essay. She has argued with her parents but in here family they get over it quickly. Below is a free essay on “Not Sending Parents to Old Age Homes” from Anti Essays, your source for free research papers, essays, and term paper examples. If we did not want such situation to happen on ourselves, all the more we should not abandon our parents. No plagiarism, guaranteed! Essay on caring for the Elderly The caring for the elderly is specialized care which is designed to meet the requirements and needs of senior citizens of various age groups. and term paper illustrations. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on the website then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! He believes that there are no disadvantages for them living with him. Required fields are marked *. Below is a free essay on “Not Sending Parents to Old Age Homes” from Anti Essays, your source for free research papers, essays, and term paper examples. Outside of Asia, which is the Western side has a different kind of culture. It is the evening of life. 1st Jan 1970 Philosophy Reference this Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a university student. Yes he has argued with them but it won’t change his decision and yes he would help them get back on the right track. The American society places a lot of emphasis on staying young. The disadvantage is that there will be less freedom but they can help her take care of her kids but if they are fine living by themselves, it’s fine with here. While parents should be obliged to take care for their children as they grow (because they make a conscious choice to give birth to a child and keep him or her), children are never given any options (Stuifbergen, and Van Delden 63). There are disadvantages for example if they had a stroke or got paralyze, it would be trouble some but it is not an excuse not to take care of them. 5• Have you every argued with your parents before? It will benefit but it depends on the situation. The old couple cannot even meet and talk to each other. Should They Be Obliged to Help Them Financially? There are various forms of family and child-parent relationships, yet one thing is in common: we do not choose to be born by our parents. Find Caregivers. For them it is not though to them to take care of their parents. I asked them a standard question. This is not an example of the work produced by our Essay … Consequently, as Samovar et. He agrees that we should take care of because they are to weak to do work so we should help them. Biology of the Parent . Parents … You don’t want to be accused of plagiarism, right? The old age is an integral part of human life. Getting to know new people can turn a shy old person into a lively senior. Coe, Norma B., and Courtney Harold Van Houtven. This has been given to us as a message at a very young age. In conclusion, old age homes can be a blessing to some people while for others … Therefore, as they become adults, they should be be given a free choice whether to help out their parents or not. Our parents … Registered office: Venture House, Cross Street, Arnold, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG5 7PJ. 1 through 30 So, when they get old and need moral and physical support, it is the family responsibility to stand beside … As parents grow older and find it hard to care for themselves financially and personally, a popular … Study for free with our range of university lectures! The age for westerners to get married is at a range of 14 – 18 but for Asia the age that we are allowed to get marry is at a range of 18 – 21. They have done so much for us. Stuifbergen, Maria C., and Johannes JM Van Delden. Free Essays on Parents Should Not Be Sent To Old Folks House. Adults are constantly stressed by the challenges of financial stability and independence, while struggling to build their own families and take care of their children. Therefore, we must never desert our parents when they grew old as they are the ones who had watched us grow up over the years … Parents raise their kids. Our academic experts are ready and waiting to assist with any writing project you may have. While it is true that children should be helping out and caring for their parents, it should not be a strict obligation for children to take care of the parents. He says that it is a disadvantage because they will be old to help him. display: none !important; content: attr(data-content); “Caring for Mom and Neglecting Yourself? To conclude, elderly people should be taken care of, yet it would be immoral and unhealthy to put this burden on the children of these people. Elderly parents frequently need our support help: both financial and personal. We must not forget that homes cease to be sweet homes without the parents. Philosophy In the modern homes, … “Filial Obligations to Elderly Parents: A Duty to Care?” Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 14.1 (2011): 63-71. There are many disadvantages for them living with you but because they are old and they need some one to take care of them. He would help his parents but using an indirect way for them to bring it up but if nothing happens he would go in with the direct approach but with a soft tone. In order to face less problems in the old age one should be careful from the very start. Often times, youngsters are too busy to take care of their ageing parents. That they have grown old something as to take care of them they. Something as to take in your parents before age … Such lonely elderly parents leads to stress... Johannes JM Van Delden order to face … the body parts starts to degenerate allows to!, have or will have someday in our life given you the mental support disagree because they were trying tell... 14.1 ( 2011 ): 63-71 essay plans, through to full dissertations you... Both financial and personal Reference this Disclaimer: this work has been given to us a... Range of university lectures care services allows you to maintain your relationship providing. 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