who is the father of claire's baby on degrassi

Clare tells Alli to stay strong. Cliff states he is Clare's prom date, and asks who Eli is. Clare thanks him for coming and says they need some rules. Clare touches Eli's cut lip after his fight with Fitz. ", Clare: "Did you get that picture that I texted? Reply. Alli is holding her books and drops them. He sees Clare out in the hallway crying and looks away. Eli says she can't fix things between them because there is no "them" anymore. where do you guys think Drew and Clare would stand relationship wise if Drew continued to be the father and Clare never miscarried? Clare texts a picture of a sexy outfit to Eli. After the fire at Degrassi Clare is seen outside the school when Eli runs up to her asking if she is okay when she responds with "This wasn't your handy work". Eli tries to start the car and thinks the battery's dead but that he'll call his parents to come get them so they can be back before dinner. They are later seen at the J.T. Connor responds by telling her that K.C. Clare and Eli stare at each other until other students walk into the theater for class. Clare says she wants to wear a wig and wants things to be perfect. Eli tells her that she shouldn't blame herself; Adam wouldn't want them to be sad, or angry, or guilty. She tells him he doesn't have to stay and they share a brief kiss. Matte Babel also appeared in a minor role in two episodes of Degrassi: The Next Generation. This consisted of a white shirt, dark navy blue sweater vest, and red clad skirt. Later on, Clare finds K.C. Eli asks if it's forever because he's knows a place in New York that has the best sashimi. At graduation, Eli hugs Clare and tells her he doesn't want to let go (to toss his cap). Eli guesses her worrying isn't about the crib and she starts freaking out over the gun thing with Rocky, saying that the fact she took it away might make him covet guns later in life. So he comes up with a plan to get them together to talk it out. Eli tells Clare he'll take her and Clare questions this because the battery's dead. In Gives You Hell (1), Clare is seen outside prepared to eat her packed lunch when Eli walks by, takes it and throws the sandwich away. Clare replies. Eli mocks the dance and says it's trivial compared to being published. She see's Drew over Eli's shoulder, but she tries to ignore him. In Wise Up, Drew talks to Clare saying she should consider her options since she planned on keeping the baby, Clare doesn't like his ideas and tells him he doesn't have to be involved at all. Clare looks at the sheet and incredulously says it's a checklist. that since Clare is a friend he should ask her to cheat off of her on the final exam. Not for this, not for that doctor, and not for that stupid car!" In Honey, Clare tells Alli on the phone that she'll be out of the hospital soon and has two more sessions of chemo left. Eli is surprised and asks "really?" Clare sees Jake and Katie in the hallway and finds it unfair that Katie gets to stay to all hours of the night and Eli has to leave at 8. Their first relationship began in the episode All Falls Down (1) and ended in the episode Drop the World (2) because Eli was too unpredictable and possessive; Clare had felt as if he was manipulating and suffocating her. Eli is upset and goes to the abandoned church with his dad’s gun and a picture of him and Julia. Then at The Dot Clare and Adam are talking then they notice Fitz is working at The Dot. Eli says that he's tried to find something that will make Clare trust him, "but apparently that's really, really hard so all I can tell you is that I want to be serious and I promise to earn your trust; I want to be apart of his life." Clare says it's better to know it now and nods her head toward Johnny. Drew tells Clare "I'll see you at school Edwards." She stares for a bit longer, sad, and turns back to Eli. In About A Girl, Clare is seen on video chat with Alli and Jenna, asking them about Leo. Other similarities between the characters, and their significant others. Just as things are getting steamy between the two, Clare wakes up. Their significant others have tried to kill or significantly harm themselves. Clare sarcastically thanks her for the support and Alli adds, unprovoked, that if history is any indication, her and Eli are like magnets that get in each other's orbits. Both were in the running to be valedictorian but only Liberty actually became one. Eli tells her he knows what he is going to have to go through and assures Clare he is all in. It's just not fair. When Clare is offered a huge opportunity on her first day working, she calls Eli, asking if it would be okay to cancel their date. Eli asks how they are suppose to make plans and Clare replies the old fashioned way: she'll stop by after his shift since she has spare last period anyway. Like Like. Clare looks at the sheet and incredulously says it's a checklist. Clare asks if he remembers the last time they were happy together and Eli responds that he's happy right now and asks her the same question. Footprints, seriously?" He explains to her how he got there, and jokes wondering what she's doing in the woods all by herself. She is the most prolific character on the series other than Mr. Simpson. Clare starts to worry about what Fitz will do to retaliate. Eli then tells Clare she has pretty eyes, smirks, and drives away. Clare tells Eli if he wants to do this then he has to accept that Drew is going to be involved. dares her to do a talent in front of the whole cafeteria. ", (To Eli): "It just kind of hit me... how scared I am. In Don't Panic (1), Eli later comes up with an idea after seeing Jake and Clare have a fight in the hallway. She is seen in her kitchen, sulking. In Season 14, it is revealed she's pregnant with Eli's son, who was supposed to be named Adam but she later miscarried. In Zombie (1), it is revealed that Clare will be running for class president against Drew. Drew makes a snarky comment that she's probably off somewhere making out with her baby daddy. However, Clare comes back at her, replying "that masturbation is normal, and nobody should be embarrassed about it. Clare tries to further explain, but Eli cuts her off, saying, "No, you don't get to come here every time you want to for a chat. In Smells Like Teen Spirit, Clare runs into Drew in the hallway and tries to avoid him. Later Clare texts him that the baby kicked. He begs her to talk with him so they could settle things out, but she refuses by saying "Just GO!". She isn't shown wearing it again when season 13 starts, as she had sex with Eli in the finale of season 12, though keeps it on the day after she has sex. As Eli asks Clare what makes her equally deserving of this exception, Clare comes upon a frame for a baby photograph and stares at it, taking it in. She tries to pull away but he locks the door and she struggles to get out. In All I Wanna Do, Clare and Eli are cuddling on Clare's hospital bed and trying to find something to watch on TV. Eli smiles and says obviously. Clare says she knows who she is with him but it's been so long she doesn't know who she is on her own, Eli says he knows. Clare slowly says, "two, no looking at me the way you do that turns me into a pile of mush." He explains she's too far along for a natural abortion so her body will go into labor in the next two weeks or he can induce. Of all the characters of the recent cast, she has kissed or been kissed by more boys than any other female character on the show. Clare and Eli re-enter the party and Eli tells her that everyone will get over her leaving her own party/ Dallas approaches them and insults them, leading to an all out brawl which only stops when Imogen gets the confetti canon to work. Very little is known about him. In Don't Panic (2), Clare and Jake make-up after they were "locked' in the sweat lodge by Eli. They both graduated from Degrassi. Clare is upset and tells Eli that she loves him, and that nothing has changed. Eli puts his hands up in surrender then asks where they are going. He begs her to talk with him so they could settle things out, but she refuses by saying "Just GO!". In In Your Eyes, Clare wants to be friendlier with Jenna and K.C. Clare says that he's right, he (their son) should know his dad and that she could use his help. She then leaves to go tell Asher "for the sake of journalism." At school, Clare asks Jake to invite Eli over to their house so her mom won't be able to kick him out since he is Jake's guest and not hers. Drew yarns and lays down across Clare's lap. After finding out that he is the father of Clare's baby in, Eli and Clare's baby was revealed to be miscarried in, As they were still dating when they left the show, they are considered "Endgame," along with. They then walk off, with Clare looking rather uncomfortable. The teacher then begins to tell the guys that they have to reaffirm their love and reaffirm the capability that the mother can have this baby. In Young Forever, Clare is seen writing a message to Adam on his memorial page. Clare is also seen as something of a "Goody Two Shoes.". However, she tells Eli she is fine although clearly now concerned about herself. Eli asks if she wants corn chips and she replies that she definitely wants them, with salsa. He tells her that in the story, the hero realizes he can't protect the heroine so he kills her, drinks her blood, and that way they can be together forever as one. That following day Clare walks into school with Alli and she tells Alli her vampire dreams about Declan. Eli and Clare are dancing together, Clare says they can talk, Eli says it was hard enough the first time, Clare says what, Eli says long distance, we barely made it though this year, Clare says she knows, Eli says she still won't come to New York with him, Clare says it isn't about him, Eli asks what she'll do instead, Clare says she doesn't know, Eli asks if she will do anything else but be with him, they stop dancing, Clare says that isn't what this is about and that she loves him, Eli says he loves her but if she doesn't want to be with him then maybe she doesn't want to be with him, Clare says it's not that simple and she needs to figure out what she wants, Eli tells Clare she does and so does he and then says goodnight before bailing. The first was, Eli is still unaware that Dallas kissed Clare in, They are both each others second relationship. Her mother says that she being discharged tonight. Clare turns off the TV and suggests they "play doctor." Clare asks how she's delusional and Alli responds that she and Eli will never be friends because it's just not possible. His viewpoint changed, and now believes that they possibly could be the "party-throwing types." "I think they're dead," (referring to her glasses). Eli smiles at learning it's a boy. While shopping, Alli and Jenna tease Clare for not doing anything sexy with Eli after they read Clare and Eli's texts. Clare sighs and takes a beat. Eli and Clare sit down at a table. Clare shows up to the office and reveals to Meredith that she faked her article. Drew begins stripping and saying the ocean is beautiful. Later on, Clare is on the stage, in the background, while Adam is talking to Fiona. Clare later goes through Eli's bag and almost gets caught by Jake. Alli says she hopes Clare has a good excuse and Clare pauses before saying she had to talk to Eli. They reunited again during The Time of My Life and in the same episode made love to each other for the first time. When Clare tells K.C. The next morning Clare is walking from the bus while Eli is leaning on his hearse watching out for Fitz. So, she asks Fiona to tell Eli he doesn't have to do the video yearbook because she's afraid it's not good for him. Eli tells her they shouldn't waste the night and offers Clare her crown. Clare asks with a surprised look if he wants to talk but Eli declines and walks away. Meredith reminds her to fact check the article, and asks if Zoë could come the next day. They find a channel with a hospital scene where a patient asks if she is going to die. In Heart Like Mine (2), Clare and Alli decide to cut Jenna out. (Eli: "Alright go.") Her older sister, Clare was the fourth character to be sexually harassed by an, Clare is the fourth character that has a passion for journalism - the other three being. They share a kiss and then look at each other. Later, Alli brings her to the cafeteria so Dallas can apologize for crashing her birthday party, and she forgives him. to use Clare to cheat, and Clare told K.C. In Causing a Commotion, Clare is surprised by Connor's strange behavior, but sticks by him anyway. needs help studying for the final exam, Clare feels it's her perfect opportunity to help. When Clare finds out, she objects and reveals she's dating Jake. Alli says they have five more acts to listen to until they make their vote. She begins to cry saying that she failed him and he asks if she'd like to stay with him and fix it. Eli asks why didn't she tell him. Later when Clare returns to the hospital after going to Degrassi with Drew, Eli runs into her room and finds her. Villain, Clare arrives at The Dot as she wants to tell Eli the truth about the baby before he hears it from someone else. This look showed off Clare's belief that she "didn't care" what others thought of her. Reason: Eli believed that Clare was the cause of his mistakes after Cam's suicide. Later, during class, Clare and Jenna tries to guess who Alli is going on a date with and think it's Dallas though Alli tells them that it's not and that she will let them know if it will work out. So she go to the fitness club by herself her and Jack talk and tells Clare to hang with her and some people and no talking about guys what so ever she goes to it and she swings the swing shot and drink some beer. Clare and Eli are two miles past the border of the United States when Clare, eating the jerky they bought, asks him to not burst her bubble and imagine a future where they could have everything they wanted. She attempts to talk to Eli and fails, prompting her to scream the now famous line "Did three months mean nothing?! And jumps onto the beach background and falls right down landing in a kiddy pool. In Ready or Not, at the Dot, Eli gives Clare and Alli their coffee orders on the house, making Alli happy. However, Clare already has plans to go to Prom with Cliff. Later Drew finds Clare and the 2 get into an argument over their plans and Clare tells Drew that nothing will change and storms off not long before he follows after her. Clare is upset that she forgot the vote was this morning and apologizes to Alli. In Sparks Will Fly (1), Clare broke up with Eli because she said he was never there for her and she had feelings for Drew. He goes on about how your mind will trick you, and that he was the one who was wrong and he was the one who hurt people, implying he was talking about his relationship with Clare and jerking around Imogen. Clare then asks if Lenore was his producer, but he doesn't answer, he looks away regretfully. Clare made her first appearance in Eyes Without a Face (1), watching television in the same room with her sister Darcy, who is on the computer constantly updating her MyRoom page account. She appears to be having trouble finding the right words to say because she erases the words she has already written. The teacher then begins to tell the guys that they have to reaffirm their love and reaffirm the capability that the mother can have this baby. Eli shrugs and follows. While in Media Immersions, Alli catches Clare typing vampirish stories about Declan on her laptop. Clare says she knew he didn't support her and gets out of the car and Eli says he does support her but there are a lot of things to consider. Clare says she's as ready as she'll ever be and Eli walks off as Clare takes one last moment to look at the frame. Later, during a Student Council meeting, Clare wants to set up an "No Texting & Driving" campaign in honor of Adam though Drew refuses. She stares for a bit longer, sad, and turns back to Eli. Eli asks Clare if she loves Drew to which she says no, Eli then confesses his love for Clare and asks if she wants to hang out with him to which she says yes to. She walks over to him asks how he's doing. After deciding that she no longer share a house with Jake, she comes up with a new plan to move in with her father. She tells him to try and cooperate with her. Clare tells him to cover up and tells him the news in which he responds, "Okay, I'm coming home." When she picks it up, she asks if he could really be over her that quick, and Adam says Eli was doing great. Later, Clare is at her doctor's appointment with her mom. Rocky retaliates by telling Clare he hates her and fires the water gun at her, which leaves Eli laughing. Eli tells him that's he's giving her some space. Once Eli leaves to get the script, Clare says to Adam that she wants to take the next step with Eli. In Sparks Will Fly (2), Clare is first seen with Drew going to get something heavy from the school then they end up making out and having sex but then Eli walks in and says this is why you broke up with me for him? All Falls Down (1) (1023) (First Time) Come As You Are (1) (1201) (Second Time) The Time of My Life (1239-1240) (Third Time) Ready or Not (1414) (Fourth Time) Eli says Dallas's face is like a brick wall. He becomes angry, yells at Imogen to stop calling him 'muffin', and leaves. Clare Edwards always has a plan. Clare gets mad and still demands an No Texting & Driving campaign though the votes for the campaign are outnumbered. Mia first comes into the coach as a pass from Lakehurst intense college, at sixteen. Clare understands now and asks if Eli told her. She says that she asked her to help with prom but you'd think she invited her to her own execution. Clare asks K.C. In the end Jake and Clare profess their love to one another while Eli watches the couple happily, now that he's in Clare and Jake's good books again. Eli says he can't believe Clare didn't tell Alli and walks off. They work with their significant others on a school play. Clare says they are so getting an A but Eli says he doesn't think that's how this works. Clare finally tells Eli she is pregnant. ... More posts from the Degrassi … She starts to cry and opens the door, demanding him to leave. Winston said that it never happened and tells Clare the truth of what really happened when Zoë came to Degrassi. Eli tries to start the car and thinks the battery's dead but that he'll call his parents to come get them so they can be back before dinner. She tells him he can make it through it and the two hold hands. In Umbrella (2), Clare finds Eli waiting by her locker, and she wants to know the reason why he rejected her, and he says it's because of her faith. and Jenna to not talk to her ever again because they used her. In Teen Age Riot, Clare tells Alli and Eli about how Ms. When she believes he still can't find a proper Juliet, she does a dance and sits next to him and he reveals his only problem is Becky. When Adam is placed on the ambulance stretcher, Drew asks Eli and Clare if they will ride with him to the hospital. Clare volunteers to be a counselor for the day and run a relay course with the kids. Throughout the day, Clare is confronted by Jenna, who tells her that she's too young and that she looks good already. Clare explains to them that he can not take all the voters and that they get "equal rights" to the voters. over without either of them being aware of the other attending. Once Audra and Helen discuss that they need a new plan based on staying in Toronto, Clare leaves feeling as if she has no say in the discussion. Her mom tells her not to forget dinner. Alli starts asking questions to Leo about himself to break the awkward silence. She still has to write the part where the girl gets the boy back. Eli and Clare find Imogen behind some clothes sobbing. In Should've Said No (2), Clare is first seen waiting for her mother and receives a text from Jake, saying he wants to kiss her. Zoë agrees to it quickly because her agent told her to not turn down any type of publicity and tells Clare to meet her Miles' party. Eli feels suffocated by Clare's constant worrying about him and says he needs space, signaling their second break up. In My Body Is A Cage (2), Eli and Clare are seen in a hallway talking on a bench when Adam comes up to them to tell them that he must be escorted to every class by a teacher. Guthrie, Wesley Betenkamp, Jake Martin, Drew Torres, Jack Jones, Katie Matlin, Imogen Moreno, and Mike Dallas, and was enemies with Luke Baker. During school, he and Fiona practice for his interview for NYU. Later that afternoon, Eli comes by Clare's house surprising her. Mean while Alli and other Grade 10 students were writing an important exam, Clare is seen lighting a stink bomb and rolling it into the gym, causing the smoke alarm to set off and the school to evacuate, which gives Eli and Adam time to run away and thus stops the fight between the boys and Fitz. Clare and Eli are excited for their "re-first" date. In Everything You've Done Wrong, Meredith greets Clare, and tells her that she loves her article. Eventually, he gets in Morty and drives off. The two boys start fighting over Clare, only to have her deny them both. She also has a major conflict with her former boss, Asher Shostak, who sexually harassed her. K.C. They continue to talk about how Adam was never gloomy and Eli hopes that people remember him that way. She lets Eli in and he asks what's up. Clare tells Eli he doesn't have to impress her and Eli asks Clare what made her think that. Before she leaves, Clare stops outside her room and goes to sit in a corner to call Eli. After his successful interview, Eli runs through the cafeteria and high fives people. Later Clare is also seen along with other Grade 10 students outside Degrassi opening up a time capsule they buried in 7th grade. Clare asks if that sounds nice. before walking off. Because of their contradicting beliefs about Connor and Clare's fear of being judged, Alli and Clare both went their separate ways. In Smash Into You (2), Clare helps Adam prepare for a date with his secret admirer. She. Eli puts Clare on edge by referring to Jake as "out of the picture soon enough," and walking away laughing in a very unstable way. So, who is the father of Claire's baby: Frank, or the also-deceased writer Tom Yates, with whom Claire had an affair? Frankie and Winston attempt to get Zoe to take the blame for degrassi nudes after Zoe falsely blamed the whole thing on Frankie. Clare says she is. Eli tells Clare he'll take her and Clare questions this because the battery's dead. Clare, decides to confront Fitz at The Dot and tell him to not cyber stalk her in the middle of the night. At the dance, Connor forces Clare on the dance floor, though it is obvious she does not want to be there. She tells her that she wants people to believe the false story that she told Clare. However, later in the episode, he confronts Clare again, asking if she wants to be his girlfriend again. Eli then asks Clare if she was really worried about him and Clare said it wasn't him. She continues angrily, "'take a break Clare,' the universe keeps telling me. He says that she reminds him a lot of himself when he was younger and begins to caress her face. She leaves after her mother tells them to breakup. Alli then jokes, saying "Depends...How old are you?" Eli asks her if he should be jealous of Asher and if anyone gets in between them he'd have to kill them but Clare responds that she only has eyes for Eli. Clare tells her she should make her own club and see if anyone joins. Clare tries to quote a line from the play but Eli tells her they have to stop thinking of themselves as Romeo and Juliet cause looked how that turned out. Eli says she can't keep running away, but she says she's not running away for the first time in months, she's running towards her future. She is best friends with Alli Bhandari, Adam Torres (before his death), Eli Goldsworthy, and Jenna Middleton. Eli grimaces when Clare mentions Becky. N'T entirely sure where to because he ca n't be true on the dance floor though! 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